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- 1. Physica B 302-303, 249-256 (2001) , “Hydrogen-Enhanced Clusterization of Intrinsic Defects and Impurities in Silicon”, B. N. Mukashev, Kh. A. Abdullin, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii, M. F. Tamendarov and S. Zh. TokmoldinFormation of intrinsic and impurity defect complexes in hydrogenated monocrystalline silicon is studied. Hydrogen was incorporated into samples by different ways: either by proton implantation at 80 and 300 K, or by annealing at 1250°C for 30–60 min in a sealed quartz ampoule containing... (Read more)
- 2. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 71, 249 (2000) , “New (S=1) EPR AA17 center in silicon — microplatelets or precursor of platelets?”, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii, Kh. A. Abdullin, B. N. Mukashev.New (S=1) EPR spectrum (labeled Si-AA17) is observed in irradiated high-purity hydrogen-contained silicon after annealing at ≥200°C. The AA17 defect has D3d symmetry with g=2.0028, g=2.0106; A(29Si)=175.0 MHz, A=89.0 MHz; and D=±33.6 MHz, D=±16.8 MHz. It is paramagnetic in a... (Read more)
- 3. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 16, 2134-2153 (1998) , “What can electron paramagnetic resonance tell us about the Si/SiO2 system?”, P. M. Lenahan, J. F. Conley, Jr.Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements of Si/SiO2 systems began over 30 years ago. Most EPR studies of Si/SiO2 systems have dealt with two families of defects: Pb centers and E centers. Several variants from each group have... (Read more)BPSG PSG Si SiO2| EDMR EPR electric-field-effect electrical-meas. etching gamma-irradiation| 10B 11B 1H 29Si 2D 31P BOHC Boron Deuterium E' E'-delta H(I) Hydrogen Nb Nitrogen Oxygen P1 P2 P4 POHC Pb Pb0 Pb1 Phosphorus Silicon amorphous complex(=3) dangling-bond device dielectric interface pair(=2) | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 4. Phys. Rev. B 9, 4351-4361 (1974) , “EPR study of defects in neutron-irradiated silicon: Quenched-in alignment under <110>-uniaxial stress”, Young-Hoon Lee and James W. CorbettThe stress effect in an EPR study is first treated rigorously in terms of the piezospectroscopic tensor, taking account of the local symmetry of a defect. It is found that the degree of alignment (n?/n?) provides incisive information on the structure of a defect; in general, a... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. B 8, 2810 (1973) , “EPR Studies in Neutron-Irradiated Silicon: A Negative Charge State of a Nonplanar Five-Vacancy Cluster (V5-)”, Y. H. Lee, J. W. Corbett.EPR studies are carried out for the float-zone intrinsic silicon irradiated with reactor neutrons up to the total fluence 1018 n/cm2. Details of the Si29 hyperfine structure and of the g tensor in the P-1 spectrum are observed with respect to temperature from 77 to... (Read more)Si| EPR neutron-irradiation| 29Si P1 Silicon cluster(>3) vacancy .inp files: Si/V5- | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 6. Phys. Rev. 115, 1546 (1959) , “Electron-Spin Resonance of Nitrogen Donors in Diamond”, W. V. Smith, P. P. Sorokin, I. L. Gelles, and G. J. LasherElectron-spin resonance of bound substitutional nitrogen donors in diamond is observed and discussed. The g factor is isotropic at 2.0024?0.0005. For a given donor, one of the C-N bond directions is a hyperfine axis with constants A=40.8 oersteds, B=29.2 oersteds. There are thus four types of... (Read more)
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