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- 1. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 022903 (2005) , “Electron spin resonance investigation of oxygen-vacancy-related defects in BaTiO3 thin films”, V. V. Laguta, A. M. Slipenyuk, I. P. Bykov, M. D. Glinchuk, M. Maglione, D. Michau, J. Rosa, L. JastrabikThe Ti3+ center, based on a regular Ti site perturbed by an oxygen vacancy (VO), is identified by electron spin resonance (ESR) in textured BaTiO3 films. The center shows tetragonal symmetry along cubic 100 axes with g-factors: g=1.997,... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 37, 7268 (1988) , “Electron-nuclear double resonance of titanium in silicon: 47Ti and 49Ti ENDOR”, D. A. van Wezep, C. A. J. AmmerlaanThe electron-nuclear double-resonance spectra of interstitial 47Ti+ and 49Ti+ in silicon have been measured at 4.2 K. Spin Hamiltonians for these systems were determined and had to include hyperfine contributions of the type S3I and... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 32, 7129 (1985) , “Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance of Titanium in Silicon: 29Si ENDOR”, D. A. van Wezep, R. van Kemp, E. G. Sieverts, C. A. J. Ammerlaan.The Si-NL29 EPR spectrum, which is associated with the positive charge state of interstitial titanium in silicon, was investigated by electron-nuclear double resonance. Hyperfine-interaction parameters of 17 shells of silicon neighbors, comprised of 214 atoms, could be determined. These parameters... (Read more)
- 4. Appl. Phys. A 30, 1 (1983) , “Transition Metals in Silicon”, E. R. Weber.A review is given on the diffusion, solubility and electrical activity of 3d transition metals in silicon. Transition elements (especially, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) diffuse interstitially and stay in the interstitial site in thermal equilibrium at the diffusion temperature. The parameters of the liquidus curves are identical for the Si:Ti — Si:Ni melts, indicating comparable silicon-metal interaction for all these elements. Only Cr, Mn, and Fe could be identified in undisturbed interstitial sites after quenching, the others precipitated or formed complexes. The 3d elements can be divided into two groups according to the respective enthalpy of formation of the solid solution. The distinction can arise from different charge states of these impurities at the diffusion temperature. For the interstitial 3d atoms remaining after quenching, reliable energy levels are established from the literature and compared with recent calculations. (Read more)
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