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- 1. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 227401 (2007) , “Formation of Hydrogen Impurity States in Silicon and Insulators at Low Implantation Energies”, T. Prokscha, E. Morenzoni, D. G. Eshchenko, N. Garifianov, H. Glückler, R. Khasanov, H. Luetkens, and A. SuterThe formation of hydrogenlike muonium (Mu) has been studied as a function of implantation energy in intrinsic Si, thin films of condensed van der Waals gases (N2, Ne, Ar, Xe), fused and crystalline quartz, and sapphire. By varying the initial energy of positive muons... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 74, 245219 (2006) , “Dynamics of positively charged muonium centers in indium nitride”, Y. G. Celebi, R. L. Lichti, B. E. Coss, and S. F. J. CoxMuon spin depolarization measurements performed on powdered InN with zero applied magnetic field reveal several positively charged diamagnetic muonium centers. At low temperatures, the Mu+ ground state is weakly relaxing with the characteristics of local tunneling motion, which changes to... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 74, 245203 (2006) , “Diffusion and conversion dynamics for neutral muonium in aluminum nitride”, H. N. Bani-Salameh, R. L. Lichti, Y. G. Celebi, and S. F. J. CoxMuon spin depolarization rates and hyperfine decoupling curves imply the existence of a neutral muonium center to high temperatures in AlN, providing an experimental model for interstitial atomic hydrogen. This center has a hyperfine interaction close to that of the free atom, but with a small... (Read more)
- 4. Phys. Rev. B 73, 245211 (2006) , “Hydrogen and muonium in diamond: A path-integral molecular dynamics simulation”, Carlos P. Herrero, Rafael Ramírez, and Eduardo R. HernándezIsolated hydrogen, deuterium, and muonium in diamond have been studied by path-integral molecular dynamics simulations in the canonical ensemble. Finite-temperature properties of these point defects were analyzed in the range from 100 to 800 K. Interatomic interactions were modeled by a... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. B 73, 113202 (2006) , “Demonstration of the effect of uniaxial stress on the electronic structure of bond-centered muonium in Si”, K. H. Chow, B. Hitti, and J. S. LordWe demonstrate that compressive uniaxial stress modifies the electronic structure of bond-centered muonium (MuBC0" align="middle">) in Si. The stress was applied along the 100 direction of the sample and results in a significant change in the hyperfine parameters of... (Read more)
- 6. Phys. Rev. B 39, 10791-10808 (1989) , “Theory of hydrogen diffusion and reactions in crystalline silicon”, Chris G. Van de Walle, P. J. H. Denteneer, Y. Bar-Yam, and S. T. PantelidesThe behavior of hydrogen in crystalline silicon is examined with state-of-the-art theoretical techniques, based on the pseudopotential-density-functional method in a supercell geometry. Stable sites, migration paths, and barriers for different charge states are explored and displayed in total-energy... (Read more)
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