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- 1. Physica B 273, 837 (1999) , Elsevier Science , “Deep levels associated with alpha irradiation of n-type MOCVD InP”, M. Zafar Iqbal, U. S. Qurashi, A. Majid, Aurangzeb Khan, Nasim Zafar, A. Dadgar, D. BimbergDeep level transient spectroscopy has been used to observe the effect of alpha particle irradiation on n-type InP grown by metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). Eight majority carrier emitting levels Eα1, Eα2, …, Eα8 are found to be produced as a result of this irradiation. At least two of the observed levels (Eα2 and Eα4) are found to show interesting metastable behaviour. One important result of this work is complete absence of the well-known metastable M-level (observed in electron irradiated LEC InP) in our alpha-irradiated MOCVD material. (Read more)
- 2. phys. stat. sol. (a) 168, 73 (1998) , “Self-Interstitials in Silicon Irradiated with Light Ions”, B. N. Mukashev, Kh. A. Abdullin, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii.The behavior of self-interstitials in silicon which was irradiated with light ions (protons and -particles) and electrons was explored by monitoring known impurity interstitial centers (Ci, Ali, (Si-O)i) with deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and electron... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 38, 3395-3399 (1988) , “Electrical and Optical Properties of Defects in Silicon Introduced by High-Temperature Electron Irradiation”, Jian-Guo Xu, Fang Lu, and Heng-Hui Sun2-MeV electron irradiation of Si at elevated temperature creates a dominant deep level at the energy Ec-0.36 eV in addition to the oxygen vacancies. This level, which is less significant in room-temperature-irradiated Si, is found to be an efficient recombination center in the present... (Read more)
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Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
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