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- 1. J. Appl. Phys. 101, 023515 (2007) , “He induced nanovoids for point-defect engineering in B-implanted crystalline Si”, E. Bruno, S. Mirabella, F. Priolo, E. Napolitani, C. Bongiorno, and V. RaineriIn this paper we present a systematic study on the formation of He ion implantation induced nanovoids in Si and how they influence the self-interstitial (Is) supersaturation, thus affecting the diffusion and electrical activation of implanted boron in crystalline silicon. We implanted He ions... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 75, 193201 (2007) , “Compensating point defects in 4He+-irradiated InN”, F. Tuomisto, A. Pelli, K. M. Yu, W. Walukiewicz, and W. J. SchaffWe use positron annihilation spectroscopy to study 2 MeV 4He+-irradiated InN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and GaN grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition. In GaN, the Ga vacancies act as important compensating centers in the irradiated material, introduced at a... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 75, 075201 (2007) , “Influence of isotopic substitution and He coimplantation on defect complexes and voids induced by H ions in silicon”, O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, and P. J. SimpsonWe present a detailed study of the comparative thermal evolutions of H- and D-related defects in silicon implanted with 2×1016 H or D/cm2, or coimplanted with 0.25×1016 He/cm2 and 0.7×1016 H/cm2, in both orders.... (Read more)
- 4. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 113507 (2006) , “Grazing incidence small-angle x-ray scattering from defects induced by helium implantation in silicon”, D. Babonneau, M.-F. Beaufort, A. Declémy, J.-F. Barbot, and J.-P. SimonThe formation and growth of defects, including nanocavities and extended interstitial-type defects, created by helium implantation in silicon (50 keV, 7.1015 cm2) in the temperature range of 100550 °C has been investigated by grazing incidence small-angle... (Read more)
- 5. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 104906 (2006) , “An x-ray topographic study of diamond anvils: Correlation between defects and helium diffusion”, Agnès Dewaele, Paul Loubeyre, and Ramesh AndréX-ray topographic images of several dozens of diamonds have been recorded before and after their use as anvils in a diamond anvil high pressure cell. The aim of this study is to better understand and prevent the breakage of diamond anvils when they are used in contact with a helium sample. Indeed,... (Read more)
- 6. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 043509 (2006) , “Influence of metal trapping on the shape of cavities induced by high energy He+ implantation”, R. El Bouayadi, G. Regula, M. Lancin, B. Pichaud, and M. DesvignesIn He implantation induced cavities highly contaminated with metals (Au, Ni, Pt) we found that, when no three-dimensional structure is observed, the shape of the cavities can be strongly modified depending on the nature of the metal and on its trapped quantity. The equilibrium shape of cavities is... (Read more)
- 7. Phys. Rev. B 74, 174120 (2006) , “Single-crystal silicon coimplanted by helium and hydrogen: Evolution of decorated vacancylike defects with thermal treatments”, C. Macchi, S. Mariazzi, G. P. Karwasz, R. S. Brusa, P. Folegati, S. Frabboni, and G. OttavianiSi p-type (100) samples were coimplanted at room temperature with He+ ions at 30 keV with a dose of 1×1016 ions/cm2 and successively with H+ ions at 24 keV with a dose of 1×1016 ions/cm2. A series of samples was... (Read more)
- 8. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 73, 60-63 (2000) , “EPR study of He-implanted Si”, B. Pivac, B. Rakvin, R. Tonini, F. Corni and G. OttavianiElectron paramagnetic resonance has been used to study the influence of thermal treatments on defect evolution in helium-implanted Czochralski single-crystal silicon. It is shown that the thermal treatment induces helium migration and capturing by vacancy clusters that transform into pressurized... (Read more)
- 9. Phys. Lett. A 125, 354 (1987) , “EPR Evidence of Helium-Oxygen-Vacancy Complexes in Crystalline Silicon”, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii, N. N. Nevinnyi and S. S. AjazbaevTwo new (S = 1) EPR spectra, labeled Si-AA7 and Si-AA8, arise from a helium-associated defect in crystalline silicon. Both are produced only in Czochralski-grown silicon by helium ion implantation at ≈ 20°C followed by annealing at ≈ 180°C and are stable to ≈... (Read more)Si| EPR| AA10 AA7 AA8 Helium vacancy .inp files: Si/V-He-O2 Si/AA10 Si/V-He-O1 | last update: Takeo Kitamura
- 10. Phys. Lett. A 110, 157 (1985) , “EPR of Neutral Vacancy-Helium Centers in Silicon”, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii, N. N. Nevinnyi and S. S. AjazbaevIn this letter we report the first observation by EPR of helium-associated defects in solid. Two new (S = 1) EPR spectra, labeled Si-AA5 and Si-AA6, arise from the association of helium and intrinsic defects in crystalline silicon. Both are produced by helium ion implantation at room temperature and... (Read more)
- 11. Phys .Rev. Lett. 32, 271 (1974) , “Observation of Electron Spin Resonance of Negative Ions in Liquid Helium”, Jonathan F. Reichert and Arnold J. DahmWe have observed ESR signals of negative ions in liquid helium. The linewidth and g value have been measured. Electrons injected into helium by field emission from ferromagnetic tips are shown to be polarized. We propose a new technique for the measurement of electron spin polarization. (Read more)
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