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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 77, 195204 (2008) , “Identification of antisite carbon split-interstitial defects in 4H-SiC”, J. W. Steeds, W. SullivanA rich variety of optical centers with high energy local vibrational modes has been found in electron-irradiated 4H-SiC in both the as-irradiated and annealed states. These energies have been measured and the annealing dependence of the optical centers has been investigated by low-temperature... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 77, 195203 (2008) , “Creation and identification of the two spin states of dicarbon antisite defects in 4H-SiC”, J. W. Steeds, W. Sullivan, S. A. Furkert, G. A. Evans, P. J. WellmannThis paper deals with the positive identification by low-temperature photoluminescence microspectroscopy of the two spin states of the dicarbon antisites in 4H-SiC. The defects are created by high-dose electron irradiation at room temperature or by subsequent exposure to intense 325 nm radiation at... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 75, 195335 (2007) , “Computational and experimental imaging of Mn defects on GaAs (110) cross-sectional surfaces”, A. Stroppa, X. Duan, M. Peressi, D. Furlanetto, and S. ModestiWe present a combined experimental and computational study of the (110) cross-sectional surface of Mn δ-doped GaAs samples. We focus our study on three different selected Mn defect configurations not previously studied in detail, namely surface interstitial Mn, isolated and in pairs, and... (Read more)
- 4. Phys. Rev. B 75, 195215 (2007) , “Effect of Co and O defects on the magnetism in Co-doped ZnO: Experiment and theory”, G. S. Chang, E. Z. Kurmaev, D. W. Boukhvalov, L. D. Finkelstein, S. Colis, T. M. Pedersen, A. Moewes, and A. DiniaThe electronic structure of Zn1−xCoxO (x=0.02, 0.06, and 0.10) diluted magnetic semiconductors is investigated using soft x-ray emission spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. X-ray absorption and emission measurements reveal that most Co... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. B 75, 195209 (2007) , “Mechanism and energetics of self-interstitial formation and diffusion in silicon”, Ramakrishnan Vaidyanathan, Michael Y. L. Jung, and Edmund G. SeebauerRecent work has suggested that prior determinations of diffusion mechanism and point defect thermodynamics in silicon have been affected by nonequilibrium effects stemming from uncontrolled adsorption-induced suppression of a pathway for defect creation at the surface. Through silicon self-diffusion... (Read more)
- 6. Phys. Rev. B 75, 193203 (2007) , “Hf defects in c-Si and their importance for the HfO2/Si interface: Density-functional calculations”, Wanderlã L. Scopel, Antônio J. R. da Silva, and A. FazzioWe have studied, using ab initio density functional theory calculations, substitutional and interstitial Hf impurities in c-Si, for various charge states. Our results indicate that (1) the tetrahedral interstitial defect is energetically more favorable than the substitutional and (2)... (Read more)
- 7. Phys. Rev. B 75, 193201 (2007) , “Compensating point defects in 4He+-irradiated InN”, F. Tuomisto, A. Pelli, K. M. Yu, W. Walukiewicz, and W. J. SchaffWe use positron annihilation spectroscopy to study 2 MeV 4He+-irradiated InN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and GaN grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition. In GaN, the Ga vacancies act as important compensating centers in the irradiated material, introduced at a... (Read more)
- 8. Phys. Rev. B 75, 134106 (2007) , “Exact linear response of reacting thermal defects driven by creation processes”, C. P. FlynnThe exact, linear response at steady state is calculated for reacting, but otherwise noninteracting, thermal defects driven by defect creation processes. The theory applies to vacancies and interstitials in the bulk, or to adatoms and advacancies on surface terraces. A wide variety of possible... (Read more)
- 9. Phys. Rev. B 75, 115418 (2007) , “Early stages of radiation damage in graphite and carbon nanostructures: A first-principles molecular dynamics study”, Oleg V. Yazyev, Ivano Tavernelli, Ursula Rothlisberger, and Lothar HelmUnderstanding radiation-induced defect formation in carbon materials is crucial for nuclear technology and for the manufacturing of nanostructures with desired properties. Using first-principles molecular dynamics, we perform a systematic study of the nonequilibrium processes of radiation damage in... (Read more)
- 10. Phys. Rev. B 75, 115205 (2007) , “Stability of I3 complexes in III-V compound semiconductors by tight-binding molecular dynamics”, G. Zollo and F. GalaIntrinsic interstitials in GaAs are known to have a large formation energy that makes their concentration almost negligible in as-grown materials. However, interstitials must be explicitly considered in implanted GaAs where collision cascades, induced by the energetic ions, produce a large amount of... (Read more)
- 11. Phys. Rev. B 75, 075316 (2007) , “Theoretical investigation of a Mn-doped Si/Ge heterostructure”, J. T. Arantes, Antônio J. R. da Silva, A. Fazzio, and A. AntonelliWe investigate, through ab initio density-functional theory calculations, the electronic and structural properties of neutral Mn impurities at tetrahedral interstitial and substitutional sites in both Si and Ge layers of a Si/Ge heterostructure. We conclude that substitutional Mn at the Ge... (Read more)
- 12. Phys. Rev. B 75, 075202 (2007) , “Theoretical study of Li and Na as n-type dopants for diamond”, J. P. Goss and P. R. BriddonPhosphorus is the n-type dopant of choice for diamond, but results in a deep donor level and alternatives are being sought. One possibility is the incorporation of interstitial alkali metal impurities such as Li and Na. We present the results of density-functional calculations used to predict... (Read more)
- 13. Phys. Rev. B 75, 045211 (2007) , “Ab initio supercell calculations on aluminum-related defects in SiC”, A. Gali, T. Hornos, N. T. Son, E. Janzén, and W. J. ChoykeAb initio supercell calculations of the binding energies predict complex formation between aluminum and carbon interstitials in SiC. In high-energy implanted SiC aluminum acceptor can form very stable complexes with two carbon interstitials. We also show that carbon vacancy can be attached to... (Read more)
- 14. Phys. Rev. B 75, 035211 (2007) , “Self- and foreign-atom diffusion in semiconductor isotope heterostructures. II. Experimental results for silicon”, H. Bracht, H. H. Silvestri, I. D. Sharp, and E. E. HallerWe report the diffusion of boron, arsenic, and phosphorus in silicon isotope multilayer structures at temperatures between 850 °C and 1100 °C. The diffusion of all dopants and self-atoms at a given temperature is modeled with the same setting of all native-point-defect-related parameters.... (Read more)
- 15. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 265502 (2007) , “Monovacancy and Interstitial Migration in Ion-Implanted Silicon”, P. G. Coleman and C. P. BurrowsThe migration of monovacancies (V0) and self-interstitials (I) has been observed in ion-implanted low-doped float-zone silicon by variable-energy positron annihilation spectroscopy. V0 and I were created by the in situ implantation of ~20 keV... (Read more)
- 16. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117202 (2007) , “Density-Functional Theory Study of Half-Metallic Heterostructures: Interstitial Mn in Si”, Hua Wu, Peter Kratzer, and Matthias SchefflerUsing density-functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation, we show that Si-based heterostructures with 1/4 layer δ doping of interstitial Mn (Mnint) are half-metallic. For Mnint concentrations of 1/2 or 1 layer, the states induced in the band... (Read more)
- 17. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 055504 (2007) , “Ortho-Para Conversion of Interstitial H2 in Si”, M. Hiller, E. V. Lavrov, and J. WeberOrtho-para conversion of isolated interstitial H2 in single-crystalline Si is studied by Raman scattering. This process is suggested to be caused by the interaction of H2 with the nuclear magnetic moment of 29Si. At 77 K the ortho-to-para conversion rate is... (Read more)
- 18. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 015501 (2007) , “First-Principles Simulations of Boron Diffusion in Graphite”, I. Suarez-Martinez, A. A. El-Barbary, G. Savini, and M. I. HeggieBoron strongly modifies electronic and diffusion properties of graphite. We report the first ab initio study of boron interaction with the point defects in graphite, which includes structures, thermodynamics, and diffusion. A number of possible diffusion mechanisms of boron in graphite are... (Read more)
- 19. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 171916 (2006) , “Evidences of F-induced nanobubbles as sink for self-interstitials in Si”, S. Boninelli, A. Claverie, G. Impellizzeri, S. Mirabella, F. Priolo, E. Napolitani, and F. CristianoThe beneficial effects of F implantation on the modification of extended defects in Si have been studied. Preamorphized Si samples were implanted with F (75 keV, 6×1015 F/cm2) and regrown by solid phase epitaxy (SPE) at 700 °C. The formation, just after SPE, of a... (Read more)
- 20. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 142914 (2006) , “Defect passivation in HfO2 gate oxide by fluorine”, K. Tse and J. RobertsonThe authors have calculated that fluorine substituting for oxygen gives no gap states in HfO2. This accounts for the good passivation of oxygen vacancies by F seen experimentally. Bonding arguments are used to account for why F may be the most effective passivant in ionic oxides such as... (Read more)
- 21. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 092113 (2006) , “Large fluorine-vacancy clusters in Si and their capture efficiency for self-interstitials”, Giorgia M. Lopez and Vincenzo FiorentiniBased on ab initio density-functional energetics for saturated (n=2m+2) fluorine-vacancy clusters FnVm for m up to 4, the authors set up a model showing that (a) fluorine-vacancy (FV) aggregates in Si can form in any... (Read more)
- 22. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 201918 (2006) , “Diffusion of zinc vacancies and interstitials in zinc oxide”, Paul Erhart and Karsten AlbeThe self-diffusion coefficient of zinc in ZnO is derived as a function of the chemical potential and Fermi level from first-principles calculations. Density functional calculations in combination with the climbing image-nudged elastic band method are used in order to determine migration barriers for... (Read more)
- 23. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 182903 (2006) , “Effects of Al addition on the native defects in hafnia”, Q. Li, K. M. Koo, W. M. Lau, P. F. Lee, J. Y. Dai, Z. F. Hou, X. G. GongTwo occupied native defect bands are experimentally detected in pure HfO2. The density of states of band one in the middle of the band gap reduces drastically with the Al addition, while that of band two slightly above the valence-band maximum remains rather unaffected. We attribute the... (Read more)
- 24. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 162107 (2006) , “Physical origin of threshold voltage problems in polycrystalline silicon/HfO2 gate stacks”, Dae Yeon Kim, Joongoo Kang, and K. J. ChangBased on theoretical calculations, we find that at p+ polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si)/HfO2 gates, Si interstitials are easily migrated from the electrode, forming HfSi bonds with a charge transfer to the electrode, and the resulting interface dipole raises the Fermi level... (Read more)
- 25. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 123108 (2006) , “Density functional theory investigation of N interstitial migration in GaN”, R. R. Wixom and A. F. WrightUsing density-functional total energy calculations, we investigated N interstitial migration in GaN. Two migration paths were considered. The first path confines motion to a single c-plane of the lattice, while the second path involves movement both perpendicular and parallel to the... (Read more)
- 26. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 073501 (2006) , “Identification by photoluminescence and positron annihilation of vacancy and interstitial intrinsic defects in ion-implanted silicon”, R. Harding, G. Davies, J. Tan, P. G. Coleman, C. P. Burrows, and J. Wong-LeungDefect centers generated in crystalline silicon by MeV Si implants have been investigated by a combination of photoluminescence, variable-energy positron annihilation measurements, depth profiling by etching, annealing studies, and the dependence on impurities. The broad 935 meV photoluminescence... (Read more)
- 27. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 033525 (2006) , “Determination of interstitial oxygen concentration in germanium by infrared absorption”, V. V. Litvinov, B. G. Svensson, L. I. Murin, J. L. Lindström, V. P. Markevich, and A. R. PeakerThe intensities of infrared absorption due to the asymmetric stretching vibrations of interstitial oxygen atoms in Ge crystals enriched with 16O and 18O isotopes have been compared with oxygen concentrations determined by means of secondary ion mass spectrometry. For Ge samples... (Read more)
- 28. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 033523 (2006) , “The CiCs(SiI) defect in silicon: An infrared spectroscopy study”, M. S. Potsidi and C. A. LondosInfrared (IR) spectroscopy was employed for a thorough study of the CiCs(SiI) defect formed in neutron-irradiated carbon-doped Czochralski silicon material. Its IR signals at 987 and 993 cm1, as well as the thermal evolution of the... (Read more)
- 29. Phys. Rev. B 74, 245219 (2006) , “Dynamics of positively charged muonium centers in indium nitride”, Y. G. Celebi, R. L. Lichti, B. E. Coss, and S. F. J. CoxMuon spin depolarization measurements performed on powdered InN with zero applied magnetic field reveal several positively charged diamagnetic muonium centers. At low temperatures, the Mu+ ground state is weakly relaxing with the characteristics of local tunneling motion, which changes to... (Read more)
- 30. Phys. Rev. B 74, 245205 (2006) , “Mn incorporation in as-grown and annealed (Ga,Mn)As layers studied by x-ray diffraction and standing-wave fluorescence”, V. Holý, Z. Matj, O. Pacherová, V. Novák, M. Cukr, K. Olejník, and T. JungwirthA combination of high-resolution x-ray diffraction and a technique of x-ray standing-wave fluorescence at grazing incidence is employed to study the structure of a (Ga,Mn)As-diluted magnetic semiconductor and its changes during post-growth annealing steps. We find that the film is formed by a... (Read more)
- 31. Phys. Rev. B 74, 245203 (2006) , “Diffusion and conversion dynamics for neutral muonium in aluminum nitride”, H. N. Bani-Salameh, R. L. Lichti, Y. G. Celebi, and S. F. J. CoxMuon spin depolarization rates and hyperfine decoupling curves imply the existence of a neutral muonium center to high temperatures in AlN, providing an experimental model for interstitial atomic hydrogen. This center has a hyperfine interaction close to that of the free atom, but with a small... (Read more)
- 32. Phys. Rev. B 74, 235301 (2006) , “Precursor mechanism for interaction of bulk interstitial atoms with Si(100)”, Xiao Zhang, Min Yu, Charlotte T. M. Kwok, Ramakrishnan Vaidyanathan, Richard D. Braatz, and Edmund G. SeebauerIn the same way that gases react with surfaces from above, solid-state point defects such as interstitial atoms can react from below. Little attention has been paid to this form of surface chemistry. Recent bulk self-diffusion measurements near the Si(100) surface have quantified Si interstitial... (Read more)
- 33. Phys. Rev. B 74, 235209 (2006) , “Comparison of two methods for circumventing the Coulomb divergence in supercell calculations for charged point defects”, A. F. Wright and N. A. ModineDensity-functional-theory calculations were performed for the unrelaxed +2 Si vacancy and +2 self-interstitial utilizing periodic boundary conditions and two different methods—the uniform background charge method and the local moment counter charge method—for circumventing the divergence... (Read more)
- 34. Phys. Rev. B 74, 235208 (2006) , “Theoretical study of the magnetism of Mn-doped ZnO with and without defects”, D. Iuan, B. Sanyal, and O. ErikssonWe calculate the exchange interaction parameters of a classical Heisenberg Hamiltonian for Mn-doped ZnO (Mn concentration between 5% and 20%) by an ab initio Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker coherent-potential-approximation method in the framework of density functional theory. A weak antiferromagnetic... (Read more)
- 35. Phys. Rev. B 74, 195202 (2006) , “Interstitial-mediated mechanisms of As and P diffusion in Si: Gradient-corrected density-functional calculations”, Scott A. Harrison, Thomas F. Edgar, and Gyeong S. HwangGradient-corrected density-functional calculations are used to determine the structure, stability, and diffusion of arsenic-interstitial and phosphorus-interstitial pairs in the positive, neutral, and negative charge states. For both cases, our calculations show that the neutral pair will be... (Read more)
- 36. Phys. Rev. B 74, 174101 (2006) , “First-principles study of the intrinsic defects in PbFCl”, Bo Liu, Zeming Qi, and Chaoshu ShiFirst-principles pseudopotential calculations have been performed to investigate intrinsic defects including vacancies, interstitials, antisite defects, as well as Schottky and Frenkel defects in PbFCl crystals. For the isolated vacancies and interstitials, their formation energies are critically... (Read more)
- 37. Phys. Rev. B 74, 155204 (2006) , “Vibronic spectrum of c-BN measured with cathodoluminescence”, C. Manfredotti, R. Cossio, A. Lo Giudice, E. Vittone, and F. FizzottiAn extended vibronic spectrum (up to six phonon replicas) has been measured by low temperature cathodoluminescence in pure c-BN microcrystalline samples obtained by high temperature high pressure method. The zero phonon line, found at 3.573 eV, should be connected to a center identified... (Read more)
- 38. Phys. Rev. B 74, 144432 (2006) , “Role of defects in ferromagnetism in Zn1−xCoxO: A hybrid density-functional study”, C. H. PattersonExperimental studies of Zn1−xCoxO as thin films or nanocrystals have found ferromagnetism and Curie temperatures above room temperature and that p- or n-type doping of Zn1−xCoxO can change its magnetic... (Read more)
- 39. Phys. Rev. B 74, 121201 (2006) , “Prediction of the anomalous fluorine-silicon interstitial pair diffusion in crystalline silicon”, Scott A. Harrison, Thomas F. Edgar, and Gyeong S. HwangWe propose a diffusion pathway for a fluorine-silicon interstitial pair (F-Sii) in silicon based on extensive first-principles density functional calculations. We find the F-Sii pair to be most stable in the singly positive charge state under intrinsic conditions and can exist... (Read more)
- 40. Phys. Rev. B 73, 245210 (2006) , “First-principles investigation of a bistable boron-oxygen interstitial pair in Si”, A. Carvalho, R. Jones, M. Sanati, S. K. Estreicher, J. Coutinho, and P. R. BriddonLocal density functional calculations are used to predict and compare the properties of the two distinct interstitial boron-interstitial oxygen (BiOi) complexes recently reported in the literature. The electronic and free energies, as well as the small... (Read more)
- 41. Phys. Rev. B 73, 245203 (2006) , “Diffusion mechanisms for silicon di-interstitials”, Yaojun A. Du, Richard G. Hennig, and John W. WilkinsTight-binding molecular dynamics and density-functional simulations on silicon seeded with a di-interstitial reveal its detailed diffusion mechanisms. The lowest-energy di-interstitial performs a translation/rotation diffusion-step with a barrier of 0.3 eV and a prefactor of 11 THz followed by a... (Read more)
- 42. Phys. Rev. B 73, 174103 (2006) , “Electron-trapping centers and interstitials in chlorinated SrCl2:Fe single crystals”, D. Ghica, S. V. Nistor, E. Goovaerts, D. Schoemaker, H. Vrielinck, and F. CallensElectron-trapped Fe+-type centers, produced by x-ray irradiation at 80 K and further annealing at higher temperatures in iron-doped SrCl2 single crystals grown in chlorine gas, have been investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance. The Fe+(III) and... (Read more)
- 43. Phys. Rev. B 73, 161201(R) (2006) , “Thermally stable carbon-related centers in 6H-SiC: Photoluminescence spectra and microscopic models”, A. Mattausch, M. Bockstedte, O. Pankratov, J. W. Steeds, S. Furkert, J. M. Hayes, W. Sullivan, N. G. WrightRecent ab initio calculations [Mattausch et al., Phys. Rev. B 70, 235211 (2004)] of carbon clusters in SiC reveal a possible connection between the tricarbon antisite (C3)Si and the U photoluminescence center in 6H-SiC [Evans et al., Phys. Rev. B 66, 35204... (Read more)
- 44. Phys. Rev. B 73, 033204 (2006) , “Electrical characterization of metastable carbon clusters in SiC: A theoretical study”, A. Gali, N. T. Son, E. JanznFirst-principles calculations carried out in 3C- and 4H-SiC show that small metastable carbon clusters can be created in irradiated SiC. The metastable carbon clusters possess occupation levels in the p-type as well as in the n-type 4H-SiC. Depending on the... (Read more)
- 45. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 255902 (2006) , “Atomistic Mechanism of Boron Diffusion in Silicon”, Davide De Salvador, Enrico Napolitani, Salvatore Mirabella, Gabriele Bisognin, Giuliana Impellizzeri, Alberto Carnera, and Francesco PrioloB diffuses in crystalline Si by reacting with a Si self-interstitial (I) with a frequency g and so forming a fast migrating BI complex that can migrate for an average length λ. We experimentally demonstrate that both g and λ strongly depend on the free hole... (Read more)
- 46. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 231905 (2005) , “Structure, stability, and diffusion of arsenic-silicon interstitial pairs”, Scott A. Harrison, Thomas F. Edgar, and Gyeong S. HwangRecent experimental studies [A. Ural, P. B. Griffin, and J. D. Plummer, J. Appl. Phys. 85, 6440 (1999); R. Kim, T. Hirose, T. Shano, H. Tsuji, and K. Taniguchi, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41, 227 (2002); S. Solmi, M. Ferri, M. Bersani, D. Giubertoni, and V. Soncini, J. Appl. Phys. 94,... (Read more)
- 47. Phys. Rev. B 72, 045219 (2005) , “Fluorine in Si: Native-defect complexes and the supression of impurity diffusion”, Giorgia M. Lopez, Vincenzo Fiorentini, Giuliana Impellizzeri, Salvatore Mirabella, Enrico NapolitaniThe transient enhanced diffusion of acceptor impurities severely affects the realization of ultrahigh doping regions in miniaturized Si-based devices. Fluorine codoping has been found to suppress this transient diffusion, but the mechanism underlying this effect is not understood. It has been proposed that fluorine-impurity or fluorine–native-defect interactions may be responsible. Here we clarify this mechanism combining first-principles theoretical studies of fluorine in Si and purposely designed experiments on Si structures containing boron and fluorine. The central interaction mechanism is the preferential binding of fluorine to Si-vacancy dangling bonds and the consequent formation of vacancy-fluorine complexes. The latter effectively act as traps for the excess self-interstitials that would normally cause boron transient enhanced diffusion. Instead, fluorine-boron interactions are marginal and do not play any significant role. Our results are also consistent with other observations such as native-defect trapping and bubble formation. (Read more)
- 48. Phys. Rev. B 71, 115204 (2005) , “Electron Spin Resonance Study of Paramagnetic Centers in Neutron-Irradiated Heat-Treated Silicon”, D. Pierreux and A. StesmansElectron spin resonance (ESR) was used to study neutron-induced defects in silicon as functions of anneal temperature Tan. For Tan below 200 °C, the ESR response is dominated by the Si-P3 and Si-P6 spectra, as observed before. At Tan=200 ... (Read more)
- 49. Phys. Rev. B 71, 035213 (2005) , “Possibility for the electrical activation of the carbon antisite by hydrogen in SiC”, A. Gali, P. Deák, N. T. Son, and E. JanzénCalculations predict the carbon antisite to be the most abundant intrinsic defect in silicon carbide in a wide range of doping. The isolated carbon antisite is, however, optically and electronically inactive, therefore, difficult to observe by usual experimental techniques. However, CSi... (Read more)
- 50. Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1538 (2004) , “Observation of fluorine-vacancy complexes in silicon”, P. J. Simpson, Z. Jenei, P. Asoka-Kumar, R. R. Robison, M. E. LawWe show direct evidence, obtained by positron annihilation spectroscopy, for the complexing of fluorine with vacancies in silicon. Both float zone and Czochralski silicon wafers were implanted with 30 keV fluorine ions to a fluence of 2×1014 ions/cm2, and studied in the... (Read more)
- 51. Phys. Rev. B 70, 235211 (2004) , “Structure and vibrational spectra of carbon clusters in SiC”, Alexander Mattausch, Michel Bockstedte, and Oleg PankratovThe electronic, structural, and vibrational properties of small carbon interstitial and antisite clusters are investigated by ab initio methods in 3C- and 4H-SiC. The defects possess sizable dissociation energies and may be formed via condensation of carbon interstitials, e.g.,... (Read more)
- 52. Phys. Rev. B 70, 195344 (2004) , “Ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of planar defects in Si and SiC”, C. Raffy, J. Furthmüller, J.-M. Wagner, and F. BechstedtWe present ab initio calculations for internal interfaces in Si and SiC. Density-functional calculations within the local-density approximation and the pseudopotential-plane-wave approach are performed to understand the effect of such two-dimensional defects on the electronic properties. We... (Read more)
- 53. Phys. Rev. B 70, 115203 (2004) , “Different roles of carbon and silicon interstitials in the interstitial-mediated boron diffusion in SiC”, Michel Bockstedte, Alexander Mattausch, and Oleg PankratovThe interstitial and vacancy mediated boron diffusion in silicon carbide is investigated with an ab initio method. The boron interstitials in p-type and n-type materials are found to be far more mobile than the boron-vacancy complexes. A kick-out mechanism and an interstitialcy... (Read more)
- 54. Phys. Rev. B 69, 45208 (2004) , “Intrinsic defects in GaN. II. Electronically enhanced migration of interstitial Ga observed by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance”, P. Johannesen, A. Zakrzewski, L. S. Vlasenko, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, Haruo Sunakawa, Masashi MizutaOptical excitation at 1.7 K with 364-nm laser light produces partial annealing recovery of the damage produced in GaN by 2.5-MeV electron irradiation in situ at 4.2 K. Observed is a reduction in the irradiation-produced 0.95-eV photoluminescence (PL) band, recovery in the visible... (Read more)
- 55. Phys. Rev. B 69, 45207 (2004) , “Intrinsic defects in GaN. I. Ga sublattice defects observed by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance”, K. H. Chow, L. S. Vlasenko, P. Johannesen, C. Bozdog, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, Haruo Sunakawa, Chiaki Sasaoka, Masashi MizutaIrradiation of GaN by 2.5-MeV electrons in situ at 4.2 K produces a broad photoluminescence (PL) band centered at 0.95 eV. Optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance (ODEPR) in the band reveals two very similar, but distinct, signals, L5 and L6, which we identify as interstitial... (Read more)
- 56. Phys. Rev. B 69, 245205 (2004) , “Atomistic study of intrinsic defect migration in 3C-SiC”, Fei Gao, William J. Weber, M. Posselt, and V. BelkoAtomic-scale computer simulations, both molecular dynamics (MD) and the nudged-elastic band methods, have been applied to investigate long-range migration of point defects in cubic SiC (3C-SiC) over the temperature range from 0.36Tm to 0.95Tm (melting... (Read more)
- 57. Phys. Rev. B 69, 235202 (2004) , “Ab initio study of the annealing of vacancies and interstitials in cubic SiC: Vacancy-interstitial recombination and aggregation of carbon interstitials”, Michel Bockstedte, Alexander Mattausch, and Oleg PankratovThe annealing kinetics of mobile intrinsic defects in cubic SiC is investigated by an ab initio method based on density-functional theory. The interstitial-vacancy recombination, the diffusion of vacancies, and interstitials to defect sinks (e.g., surfaces or dislocations) as well as the... (Read more)
- 58. Phys. Rev. B 69, 233202 (2004) , “Diffusion of hydrogen in perfect, p-type doped, and radiation-damaged 4H-SiC”, B. Aradi, P. De?k, A. Gali, N. T. Son, E. Janz?nThe diffusion of interstitial atomic hydrogen in 4H-SiC was investigated theoretically, using the local density approximation of density functional theory. We have found that the diffusion barrier in the perfect crystal is 0.6 eV. Comparing this value with the calculated zero point vibration... (Read more)
- 59. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 245901 (2004) , “Ab Initio Calculations to Model Anomalous Fluorine Behavior”, Milan Diebel, Scott T. Dunhammplanted fluorine is observed to behave unusually in silicon, manifesting apparent uphill diffusion and reducing diffusion and enhancing activation of boron. In order to investigate fluorine behavior, we calculate the energy of fluorine defect structures in the framework of density functional theory. In addition to identifying the ground-state configuration and diffusion migration barrier of a single fluorine atom in silicon, a set of energetically favorable fluorine defect structures were found (FnVm). The decoration of vacancies and dangling silicon bonds by fluorine suggests that fluorine accumulates in vacancy-rich regions, which explains the fluorine redistribution behavior reported experimentally. (Read more)
- 60. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 125504 (2004) , “Low Energy Electron Irradiation Induced Deep Level Defects in 6H–SiC: The Implication for the Microstructure of the Deep Levels E1/E2”, X. D. Chen, C. L. Yang, M. Gong, W. K. Ge, S. Fung, C. D. Beling, J. N. Wang, M. K. Lui, and C. C. LingN-type 6HSiC samples irradiated with electrons having energies of Ee = 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, and 1.7 were studied by deep level transient technique. No deep level was detected at below 0.2 MeV irradiation energy while for Ee0.3 MeV,... (Read more)
- 61. Phys. Rev. B 68, 205201 (2003) , “Ab initio study of the migration of intrinsic defects in 3C-SiC”, Michel Bockstedte, Alexander Mattausch, and Oleg PankratovThe diffusion of intrinsic defects in 3C-SiC is studied using an ab initio method based on density functional theory. The vacancies are shown to migrate on their own sublattice. The carbon split-interstitials and the two relevant silicon interstitials, namely the tetrahedrally... (Read more)
- 62. Phys. Rev. B 68, 125201 (2003) , “Aggregation of carbon interstitials in silicon carbide: A theoretical study”, A. Gali, P. Deák, P. Ordejón, N. T. Son, E. Janzén, and W. J. ChoykeAb initio supercell calculations have been carried out to investigate clusters of carbon interstitials in 3C- and 4H-SiC. Based on the calculated formation energies, the complex formation of carbon interstitials or their aggregation to carbon antisites is energetically favored... (Read more)
- 63. Phys. Rev. B 67, 205202 (2003) , “Formation and annealing of nitrogen-related complexes in SiC”, U. Gerstmann, E. Rauls, Th. Frauenheim, and H. OverhofWe propose a mechanism for the annealing of vacancy-related defects in SiC, based on ab initio total energy calculations. Our mechanism is based on the formation and migration of carbon and nitrogen split interstitials resulting in CSi(NC)n or... (Read more)
- 64. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 225502 (2003) , “Z1/Z2 Defects in 4H–SiC”, T. A. G. Eberlein, R. Jones, P. R. BriddonFirst-principles calculations are carried out on models for the Z1/Z2 defects in 4HSiC which are found in as-grown and irradiated n-type material. We show that an interstitial-nitrogeninterstitial-carbon defect is exceptionally thermally stable,... (Read more)
- 65. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 155901 (2003) , “Fluorine in Silicon: Diffusion, Trapping, and Precipitation”, X. D. Pi, C. P. Burrows, P. G. ColemanThe effect of vacancies on the behavior of F in crystalline Si has been elucidated experimentally for the first time. With positron annihilation spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectroscopy, we find that F retards recombination between vacancies (V) and interstitials (I) because V and I trap F to form complexes. F diffuses in the V-rich region via a vacancy mechanism with an activation energy of 2.12±0.08 eV. After a long annealing time at 700ºC, F precipitates have been observed by cross-section transmission electron microscopy which are developed from the V-type defects around the implantation range and the I-type defects at the end of range. (Read more)
- 66. J. Appl. Phys. 91, 8919-8941 (2002) , “Transient Enhanced Diffusion of Boron in Si”, S. C. Jain, W. Schoenmaker, R. Lindsay, P. A. Stolk, S. Decoutere, M. Willander, H. E. Maes.On annealing a boron implanted Si sample at ~800 °C, boron in the tail of the implanted profile diffuses very fast, faster than the normal thermal diffusion by a factor 100 or more. After annealing for a sufficiently long time, the enhanced diffusion saturates. The enhanced diffusion is... (Read more)
- 67. Phys. Rev. B 66, 024106 (2002) , “Cascade overlap and amorphization in 3C-SiC: Defect accumulation, topological features, and disordering”, F. Gao and W. J. WeberMolecular dynamics (MD) simulations with a modified Tersoff potential have been used to investigate cascade overlap, damage accumulation, and amorphization processes in 3C-SiC over dose levels comparable to experimental conditions. A large number of 10 keV displacement cascades were randomly... (Read more)
- 68. Phys. Rev. B 65, 184108 (2002) , “Alphabet luminescence lines in 4H-SiC”, T. A. G. Eberlein, C. J. Fall, R. Jones, P. R. Briddon, S. ?bergFirst-principles density functional calculations are used to investigate antisite pairs in 4H-SiC. We show that they are likely to be formed in close proximity under ionizing conditions, and they possess a donor level and thermal stability consistent with the series of 40 photoluminescent lines... (Read more)
- 69. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13, L1-L7 (2001) , “Identification of the Tetra-Interstitial in Silicon”, B. J. Coomer, J. P. Goss, R. Jones, S. ?berg, P. R. Briddon.First-principles computational methods are employed to investigate the structural, vibrational, optical and electronic properties of the self-interstitial aggregate, I4 in silicon. We find the defect to be electrically active and identify it with the B3 EPR centre. We... (Read more)
- 70. Phys. Rev. B 64, 245208 (2001) , “Ab initio and empirical-potential studies of defect properties in 3C-SiC”, Fei Gao, Eric J. Bylaska, William J. Weber, L. Ren? CorralesDensity functional theory (DFT) is used to study the formation and properties of native defects in 3C-SiC. Extensive calculations have been carried out to determine the formation of point defects and the stability of self-interstitials. Although there is good agreement in the formation of vacancies... (Read more)
- 71. Phys. Rev. B 63, 245202 (2001) , “Ab initio density-functional supercell calculations of hydrogen defects in cubic SiC”, B. Aradi, A. Gali, P. De?k, J. E. Lowther, N. T. Son, E. Janz?n, W. J. ChoykeBased on ab initio density-functional calculations in supercells of 3C-SiC, the stable configurations of hydrogen and dihydrogen defects have been established. The calculated formation energies are used to give semiquantitative estimates for the concentration of hydrogen in SiC after chemical vapor... (Read more)
- 72. Physica B 302-303, 249-256 (2001) , “Hydrogen-Enhanced Clusterization of Intrinsic Defects and Impurities in Silicon”, B. N. Mukashev, Kh. A. Abdullin, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii, M. F. Tamendarov and S. Zh. TokmoldinFormation of intrinsic and impurity defect complexes in hydrogenated monocrystalline silicon is studied. Hydrogen was incorporated into samples by different ways: either by proton implantation at 80 and 300 K, or by annealing at 1250°C for 30–60 min in a sealed quartz ampoule containing... (Read more)
- 73. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 71, 263 (2000) , “Comparison of Electronic Structure and Properties of Hydrogen-Associated and Thermal Double Donors in Silicon”, S. Zh. Tokmoldin, B. N. Mukashev, Kh. A. Abdullin, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii and B. PajotInfrared (IR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies of quenching-dependent hydrogen-related double donor (HDD) formed in proton-implanted n-Si and p-Si upon annealing above 300°C were carried out. IR data taken at liquid He and N2 reveal that quenching-dependent IR absorption lines... (Read more)
- 74. Phys. Rev. B 61, 1918 (2000) , “EPR investigation of manganese clusters in silicon”, J. Martin, J. Wedekind, H. Vollmer, and R. LabuschManganese centers were investigated in silicon specimens with initial doping concentrations between 1.5?1015 P cm-3 and 6?1015 B cm-3. All known Mn centers could be observed but the cluster Mni3Mni was missing in highly-boron-doped... (Read more)
- 75. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2761 (2000) , “Detection of Interstitial Ga in GaN”, K. H. Chow, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, M. MizutaWe report the direct detection of interstitial Ga by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance (ODEPR) in the photoluminescence of n-type GaN after irradiation in situ at 4.2 K with 2.5 MeV electrons. It is stable upon annealing until room temperature, where it becomes mobile and trapped... (Read more)
- 76. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 58, 171-178 (1999) , “Self-Interstitial Related Reactions in Silicon Irradiated by Light Ions”, B. N. Mukashev, Kh. A. Abdullin, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii and S. Zh. TokmoldinRecent deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy data on interactions of self-interstitial with carbon, aluminium, oxygen and hydrogen in silicon irradiated by light ions are reviewed. Self-interstitial behaviour in silicon was... (Read more)
- 77. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 239, 16-48 (1998) , “Optically active oxygen-deficiency-related centers in amorphous silicon dioxide”, Linards SkujaThe spectroscopic properties, structure and interconversions of optically active oxygen-deficiency-related point defects in vitreous silica are reviewed. These defects, the E′-centers (oxygen vacancies with a trapped hole or 3-fold-coordinated silicons), different variants of diamagnetic... (Read more)GeO2 SiO2| EPR PL gamma-irradiation optical-spectroscopy| 0.5-1.0eV 1.0eV~ 1H 2.0eV~ 3.0eV~ 4.0eV~ 5.0eV~(larger) Chlorine E' E'-alpha E'-betha E'-delta E'-gamma Germanium H(I) H(II) Hydrogen ODC ODC(I) ODC(II) OHC Oxygen POR Silicon amorphous dangling-bond dielectric interstitial pair(=2) surface triplet vacancy | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 78. Phys. Rev. B 58, 9845 (1998) , “Theory of Carbon-Carbon Pairs in Silicon”, R. B. Capaz, A. Dal Pino, Jr., J. D. Joannopoulos.Interstitial-substitutional carbon pairs (CiCs) in silicon display interesting metastable behavior associated with two different structural configurations. In this work, we perform extensive ab initio calculations on this system. Our results show the following. (i) The... (Read more)
- 79. Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 317-320 (1998) , “Experimental Evidence for Frenkel Defect Formation in Amorphous SiO2 by Electronic Excitation”, H. Hosono, H. Kawazoe, N. MatsunamiConcentrations of defects in amorphous SiO2 created by implantation of 10 MeV protons were examined. The depth profile of Si-Si bonds, E? centers, or peroxy radicals (PORs) was close to that of electronic energy loss. Interstitial O2 molecules were identified and... (Read more)
- 80. phys. stat. sol. (a) 168, 73 (1998) , “Self-Interstitials in Silicon Irradiated with Light Ions”, B. N. Mukashev, Kh. A. Abdullin, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii.The behavior of self-interstitials in silicon which was irradiated with light ions (protons and -particles) and electrons was explored by monitoring known impurity interstitial centers (Ci, Ali, (Si-O)i) with deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and electron... (Read more)
- 81. Phys. Rev. B 55, 2188-2194 (1997) , “Dynamic Properties of Interstitial Carbon and Carbon-Carbon Pair Defects in Silicon”, P. Leary, R. Jones, S. ?berg, V. J. B. Torres.Interstitial carbon, Ci, defects in Si exhibit a number of unexplained features. The Ci defect in the neutral charge state gives rise to two almost degenerate vibrational modes at 920 and 931 cm-1 whose 2:1 absorption intensity ratio naturally suggests a trigonal... (Read more)
- 82. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 36, 77 (1996) , “New Oxygen-Related EPR Spectra in Proton-Irradiated Silicon”, Kh. A. Abdullin, B. N. Mukashev, A. M. Makhov and Yu. V. GorelkinskiiAn electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of proton-irradiated silicon has revealed two new EPR spectra labeled Si-AA13 and Si-AA14. Spectrum AA13 has C3v symmetry (g = 1.9985 and g = 2.0024 ± 0.0002), AA14 C1 symmetry. These spectra correspond to positive (B+) and negative (B−)... (Read more)
- 83. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11, 1696-1703 (1996) , “Metastable oxygen - silicon interstitial complex in crystalline silicon”, Kh. A. Abdullin, B. N. Mukashev, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii.A new metastable complex in monocrystalline silicon irradiated at with protons has been studied. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) Si-AA13 ( symmetry) and Si-AA14 ( symmetry) spectra as well as the known Si-A18 spectrum originate from different molecular configurations of the complex. A... (Read more)
- 84. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32, L1715 (1993) , “Carbon-Induced Rapid Annihilation of Thermal Double Donors in Czochralski Silicon Studied by Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy ”, Yoichi Kamiura*1, Yutaka Uno*2 and Fumio HashimotoCarbon-rich Czochralski Si shows anomalously rapid annihilation for all the species of thermal double donors at 470°C in two stages, which have good time correlations with the decrease of substitutional carbon density and also with the formation of two kinds of carbon-related new donors which... (Read more)
- 85. Phys. Rev. B 47, 6363-6380 (1993) , “Electron paramagnetic resonance of multistable interstitial-carbonsubstitutional-group-V-atom pairs in silicon”, X. D. Zhan, G. D. WatkinsA total of five new electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) centers are observed in electron-irradiated P-, As-, and Sb-doped silicon. Three are identified as arising from the neutral charge state of the stable configuration and two of the four metastable configurations of an... (Read more)
- 86. J. Appl. Phys. 72, 520-524 (1992) , “Deep levels of vanadium and vanadium-hydrogen complex in silicon”, T. Sadoh, H. Nakashima, and T. TsurushimaDeep levels in vanadium-doped n- and p-type silicon have been investigated using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and concentration profile measurements. The DLTS measurement reveals two electron traps of EC−0.20 eV and... (Read more)
- 87. Phys. Rev. B 44, 11486-11489 (1991) , “Reorientation of the B-H complex in silicon by anelastic relaxation experiments”, G. Cannelli, R. Cantelli, M. Capizzi, C. Coluzza, F. Cordero, A. Frova, A. Lo PrestiThe elastic energy loss between 60 and 300 K was measured in SiBxHy at frequencies between 2.4 and 32 kHz. A single-time relaxation process appears in the neighborhood of 130 K, which is due to the stress-induced jumps of H around B, with a relaxation time... (Read more)
- 88. Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 2517 (1991) , “Experimental evidence for excitonic mechanism of defect generation in high-purity silica”, T. E. Tsai and D. L. GriscomDirect evidence for the creation of oxygen-vacancy, oxygen-interstitial pairs in SiO2 glasses by an excitonic mechanism is developed from an electron-spin-resonance study of high-purity fused silicas exposed to highly focused 6.4-eV excimer laser light. (Read more)
- 89. Physica B 170, 155-167 (1991) , “Electron paramagnetic resonance of hydrogen in silicon ”, Yu.V. Gorelkinskii, N.N. Nevinnyi
- 90. Phys. Rev. B 42, 5765 (1990) , “Bistable interstitial-carbonsubstitutional-carbon pair in silicon”, L. W. Song, X. D. Zhan, B. W. Benson, and G. D. WatkinsA bistable interstitial-carbon?substitutional-carbon pair has been identified in electron-irradiated silicon by a combination of several spectroscopic experimental techniques. In the positive and negative charge states, the stable configuration of the defect involves a carbon-silicon ??molecule??... (Read more)
- 91. Phys. Rev. B 42, 5759 (1990) , “EPR Identification of the Single-Acceptor State of Interstitial Carbon in Silicon”, L. W. Song and G. D. WatkinsAn EPR center labeled Si-L6 is reported which is identified as arising from the singly ionized acceptor state of isolated interstitial carbon (Ci-) in electron-irradiated crystalline silicon. Correlated deep-level capacitance transient spectroscopy measurements locate the... (Read more)
- 92. Phys. Rev. B 39, 10791-10808 (1989) , “Theory of hydrogen diffusion and reactions in crystalline silicon”, Chris G. Van de Walle, P. J. H. Denteneer, Y. Bar-Yam, and S. T. PantelidesThe behavior of hydrogen in crystalline silicon is examined with state-of-the-art theoretical techniques, based on the pseudopotential-density-functional method in a supercell geometry. Stable sites, migration paths, and barriers for different charge states are explored and displayed in total-energy... (Read more)
- 93. Phys. Rev. B 38, 12752(R) (1988) , “Formation energies, abundances, and the electronic structure of native defects in cubic SiC”, C. Wang, J. Bernholc, R. F. DavisThe relative abundance of native point defects in cubic SiC has been studied via ab initio calculations as a function of composition and the Fermi-level position. For Si-rich cubic SiC, the SiC antisite is the dominant defect in n-type material, while the carbon vacancy, which is a double... (Read more)
- 94. Phys. Rev. B 37, 7268 (1988) , “Electron-nuclear double resonance of titanium in silicon: 47Ti and 49Ti ENDOR”, D. A. van Wezep, C. A. J. AmmerlaanThe electron-nuclear double-resonance spectra of interstitial 47Ti+ and 49Ti+ in silicon have been measured at 4.2 K. Spin Hamiltonians for these systems were determined and had to include hyperfine contributions of the type S3I and... (Read more)
- 95. Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 460 (1988) , “Bistable Defect in Silicon: The Interstitial-Carbon-Substitutional-Carbon Pair”, L. W. Song, X. D. Zhan, B. W. Benson, G. D. Watkins.By combining several spectroscopic techniques, we have observed a new type of bistable center in electron-irradiated silicon and have identified it as an interstitial-carbon?substitutional-carbon pair. The positive and negative charge states of the defect share a common stable configuration which... (Read more)
- 96. Phys. Rev. B 32, 7129 (1985) , “Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance of Titanium in Silicon: 29Si ENDOR”, D. A. van Wezep, R. van Kemp, E. G. Sieverts, C. A. J. Ammerlaan.The Si-NL29 EPR spectrum, which is associated with the positive charge state of interstitial titanium in silicon, was investigated by electron-nuclear double resonance. Hyperfine-interaction parameters of 17 shells of silicon neighbors, comprised of 214 atoms, could be determined. These parameters... (Read more)
- 97. phys. stat. sol. (a) 92, K53 (1985) , “Low Symmetry Centre in Silicon”, A. V. Dvurechenskii, V. V. Suprunchik.Investigation of the defect formation in heavily doped silicon irradiated by high dose of electrons have led to the discovery of new types of defects /1, 2/. The present note is the next one of this series. A new centre is investigated in p-type silicon irradiated by neutrons. (Read more)Si| EPR neutron-irradiation| A5 C1 H8 P3 P6 Sii Vsi interstitial p-type triclinic vacancy .inp files: Si/H8/H8.inp | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 98. Appl. Phys. A 30, 1 (1983) , “Transition Metals in Silicon”, E. R. Weber.A review is given on the diffusion, solubility and electrical activity of 3d transition metals in silicon. Transition elements (especially, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) diffuse interstitially and stay in the interstitial site in thermal equilibrium at the diffusion temperature. The parameters of the liquidus curves are identical for the Si:Ti — Si:Ni melts, indicating comparable silicon-metal interaction for all these elements. Only Cr, Mn, and Fe could be identified in undisturbed interstitial sites after quenching, the others precipitated or formed complexes. The 3d elements can be divided into two groups according to the respective enthalpy of formation of the solid solution. The distinction can arise from different charge states of these impurities at the diffusion temperature. For the interstitial 3d atoms remaining after quenching, reliable energy levels are established from the literature and compared with recent calculations. (Read more)
- 99. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 179-183 (1983) , “The Mechanism of the Enhancement of Divacancy Production by Oxygen During Electron Irradiation of Silicon. II. Computer Modeling”, G. S. Oehrlein, I. Krafcsik, J. L. Lindström, A. E. Jaworowski, and J. W. CorbettNumerical tests of possible models for the oxygen dependence of the divacancy introduction rate in silicon electron irradiated at room temperature were performed on a computer. Only the model in which oxygen traps Si self-interstitials can reproduce all the experimental data. Our modeling results... (Read more)
- 100. Phys. Rev. B 14, 872-883 (1976) , “EPR of a <001> Si interstitial complex in irradiated silicon”, K. L. Brower.This paper deals with an electron-paramagnetic-resonance study of the Si-B3 center, which was first reported by Daly. The Si-B3 center is a secondary defect which forms upon annealing between 50 and 175?C in irradiated boron-doped silicon and is stable up to ?500?C. Our studies indicate that the... (Read more)
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