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- 1. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 231901 (2006) , “Cathodoluminescence investigations of GaInNAs on GaAs(111)B”, J. Miguel-Sánchez, U. Jahn, A. Guzmán, and E. MuñozIn this work, we present a detailed cathodoluminescence characterization of GaInNAs quantum wells grown on GaAs(111)B. As-grown and annealed InGaAs and GaInNAs quantum wells were maeasured and compared by spatially resolved cathodoluminescence at different photon energies. In the case of... (Read more)
- 2. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 073702 (2006) , “Size and shape effects on excitons and biexcitons in single InAs/InP quantum dots”, N. Chauvin, B. Salem, G. Bremond, G. Guillot, C. Bru-Chevallier, and M. GendrySingle InAs quantum dots grown on an InP vicinal substrate are studied using polarized microphotoluminescence. The study of electron-hole exchange energy splitting reveals that the energy splitting is influenced by quantum confinement. The biexciton binding energies found for single dots grown on... (Read more)
- 3. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 043703 (2006) , “Combined optical and electrical studies of the effects of annealing on the intrinsic states and deep levels in a self-assembled InAs quantum-dot structure”, S. W. Lin, A. M. Song, N. Rigopolis, B. Hamilton, A. R. Peaker, and M. MissousThe effects of postgrowth rapid thermal annealing on the electronic states in a relatively long wavelength (~1.3 µm), self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum-dot structure are investigated. We combine optical and electrical experiments, i.e., photoluminescence (PL) and deep-level transient... (Read more)
- 4. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 023109 (2006) , “Exciton fine structure and biexciton binding energy in single self-assembled InAs/AlAs quantum dots”, D. Sarkar, H. P. van der Meulen, J. M. Calleja, J. M. Becker, R. J. Haug, and K. PierzThe exciton and biexciton emissions of a series of single quantum dots of InAs in an AlAs matrix have been studied. These emissions consist of linear cross polarized doublets showing large values of both the biexciton binding energy and the fine-structure splitting. At increasing exciton emission... (Read more)
- 5. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 114514 (2006) , “Pinholelike defects in multistack 1.3 µm InAs quantum dot laser”, Wei-Sheng Liu, Holin Chang, Yu-Shen Liu, and Jen-Inn ChyiThe pinholelike defects often observed in multistack InAs quantum dot structures on GaAs have been investigated comprehensively. Due to the high surface stress of InAs quantum dots, the overgrowth of GaAs and InGaAs capping layers on InAs quantum dots is far from conformal and leads to the formation... (Read more)
- 6. Phys. Rev. B 74, 075332 (2006) , “Point defects on the (110) surfaces of InP, InAs, and InSb: A comparison with bulk”, A. Höglund, C. W. M. Castleton, M. Göthelid, B. Johansson,, and S. MirbtThe basic properties of point defects, such as local geometries, positions of charge-transfer levels, and formation energies, have been calculated using density-functional theory, both in the bulk and on the (110) surface of InP, InAs, and InSb. Based on these results we discuss the electronic... (Read more)
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