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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 77, 085120 (2008) , “Identification of the carbon antisite in SiC: EPR of 13C enriched crystals”, Pavel G. Baranov, Ivan V. Ilyin, Alexandra A. Soltamova, and Eugene N. MokhovAn electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum with axial symmetry along c axis, spin S=1/2 and strong hyperfine interaction with one carbon atom has been observed in neutron-irradiated and annealed 6H-SiC, 13C isotope enriched. The 13C concentration was... (Read more)
- 2. phys. stat. sol. (b) 245, 1298-1314 (2008) , “EPR identification of intrinsic defects in SiC”, J. Isoya, T. Umeda, N. Mizuochi, N. T. Son, E. Janzen, T. OhshimaThe structure determination of intrinsic defects in 4H-SiC, 6H-SiC, and 3C-SiC by means of EPR is based on measuring the angular dependence of the 29Si/13C hyperfine (HF) satellite lines, from which spin densities, sp-hybrid ratio, and p-orbital direction can be determined over... (Read more)Si SiC diamond| EPR Theory electron-irradiation thermal-meas./anneal-exp.| +1 -1 0(neutral) 1.0eV~ 13C 29Si C1h C3v Carbon Csi D2d EI5/6 HEI1 HEI9/10 P6/7 Silicon T1 Td Tv2a V1/2/3 Vc Vsi antisite dangling-bond mono(=1) motional-effect n-type p-type pair(=2) quartet semi-insulating spin-relaxation triplet vacancy .inp files: SiC/Baranov/Baranov_g.inp SiC/EI5_C1h/5.inp SiC/EI5_C3v/5.inp SiC/EI6_RT/6.inp SiC/HEI10/HEI10a.inp SiC/HEI10/HEI10b.inp SiC/HEI1_C1h/1.inp SiC/HEI9/HEI9a.inp SiC/HEI9/HEI9b.inp SiC/SI5_C1h/4.inp SiC/Ky2/Ky2.inp SiC/Tv2a/Main.INP SiC/Vsi-_II_4H/Main.INP SiC/Vsi-_II_6H/Main.INP SiC/Vsi-_I_4H/Main.INP SiC/Vsi-_I_6H/Main.INP | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 75, 245202 (2007) , “Identification of positively charged carbon antisite-vacancy pairs in 4H-SiC”, T. Umeda, J. Ishoya, T. Ohshima, N. Morishita, H. Itoh, and A. GaliAn antisite-vacancy pair and a monovacancy are a set of fundamental stable and/or metastable defects in compound semiconductors. Theory predicted that carbon antisite-vacancy pairs would be much more stable in p-type SiC than silicon vacancies and that they would be a common defect. However,... (Read more)
- 4. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 55501 (2006) , “Divacancy in 4H-SiC”, N. T. Son, P. Carlsson, J. ul Hassan, E. Janz?n, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, A. Gali, M. Bockstedte, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, H. ItohElectron paramagnetic resonance and ab initio supercell calculations suggest that the P6/P7 centers, which were previously assigned to the photoexcited triplet states of the carbon vacancy-antisite pairs in the double positive charge state, are related to the triplet ground... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 145501 (2006) , “Identification of the Carbon Antisite-Vacancy Pair in 4H-SiC”, T. Umeda, N. T. Son, J. Isoya, E. Janzn, T. Ohshima, N. Morishita, H. Itoh, A. Gali, M. BockstedteThe metastability of vacancies was theoretically predicted for several compound semiconductors alongside their transformation into the antisite-vacancy pair counterpart; however, no experiment to date has unambiguously confirmed the existence of antisite-vacancy pairs. Using electron paramagnetic resonance and first principles calculations we identify the SI5 center as the carbon antisite-vacancy pair in the negative charge state (CSiVC-) in 4H-SiC. We suggest that this defect is a strong carrier-compensating center in n-type or high-purity semi-insulating SiC. (Read more)SiC| ENDOR EPR Theory electron-irradiation optical-spectroscopy thermal-meas./anneal-exp.| -1 -2 1.0eV~ 13C 29Si C1h C3v Carbon Csi EI5/6 HEI1 HEI5/6 Nitrogen P6/7 SI5 Silicon Vc antisite bistable/metastable dangling-bond n-type pair(=2) semi-insulating vacancy .inp files: SiC/SI5_C1h SiC/SI5_80K SiC/SI5_100K | last update: Takashi Fukushima
- 6. Physica B 376-377, 486 (2006) , “Preferential substitution of Fe on physically equivalent Ga sites in GaN”, W. Gehlhoff, D. Azamat, U. Haboeck, A. HoffmannThe EPR spectra of Fe3+ in high-quality thick freestanding hydride vapor phase grown GaN have been studied in the X- and Q-band. A complex resonance pattern with numerous lines of different intensities provided by three different defects is observed for these nearly stress-free iron-doped samples.... (Read more)
- 7. Physica B 376-377, 358-361 (2006) , “Pulsed EPR studies of Phosphorus shallow donors in diamond and SiC”, J. Isoya, M. Katagiri, T. Umeda, S. Koizumi, H. Kanda, N. T. Son, A. Henry, A. Gali, E. Janz?nPhosphorus shallow donors having the symmetry lower than Td are studied by pulsed EPR. In diamond:P and 3C–SiC:P, the symmetry is lowered to D2d and the density of the donor wave function on the phosphorus atom exhibits a predominant p-character. In 4H–SiC:P with the site symmetry of... (Read more)
- 8. Phys. Rev. B 72, 235208 (2005) , “Spin multiplicity and charge state of a silicon vacancy (TV2a) in 4H-SiC determined by pulsed ENDOR”, N. Mizuochi, S. Yamasaki, H. Takizawa, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh, T. Umeda, and J. IsoyaIn this paper, we unambiguously re-determine the spin multiplicity of TV2a by pulsed electron nucleus double resonance technique. The TV2a center is one of the most commonly observed defects in 4H-SiC, and its origin was... (Read more)
- 9. Mater. Sci. Forum 457-460, 465 (2004) , “EPR and pulsed ENDOR study of EI6 and related defects in 4H-SiC”, T. Umeda, Y. Ishitsuka, J. Isoya, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, T. Kamiya
- 10. Phys. Rev. B 70, 235212 (2004) , “EPR and theoretical studies of positively charged carbon vacancy in 4H-SiC”, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, T. Kamiya, A. Gali, P. De?k, N. T. Son, E. Janz?nThe carbon vacancy is a dominant defect in 4H-SiC, and the "EI5" electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) spectrum originates from positively charged carbon vacancies (VC+) at quasicubic sites. The observed state for EI5, however, has been attributed to a... (Read more)
- 11. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 135502 (2004) , “Hydrogen Incorporation in Diamond: The Vacancy-Hydrogen Complex”, C. Glover, M. E. Newton, P. M. Martineau, S. Quinn, D. J. TwitchenWe report the identification of the vacancy-hydrogen complex in single crystal diamond synthesized by chemical vapor deposition. The S = 1 defect is observed by electron paramagnetic resonance in the negative charge state. The hydrogen atom is bonded to one of the carbon atoms neighboring the... (Read more)
- 12. Phys. Rev. B 68, 205201 (2003) , “Ab initio study of the migration of intrinsic defects in 3C-SiC”, Michel Bockstedte, Alexander Mattausch, and Oleg PankratovThe diffusion of intrinsic defects in 3C-SiC is studied using an ab initio method based on density functional theory. The vacancies are shown to migrate on their own sublattice. The carbon split-interstitials and the two relevant silicon interstitials, namely the tetrahedrally... (Read more)
- 13. Phys. Rev. B 68, 165206 (2003) , “EPR studies of the isolated negatively charged silicon vacancies in n-type 4H- and 6H-SiC: Identification of C3v symmetry and silicon sites”, N. Mizuochi, S. Yamasaki, H. Takizawa, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh, and J. IsoyaThe isolated negatively charged silicon vacancy (VSi-" align="middle">) in the hexagonal lattices of 4H- and 6H-SiC has been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The local structure was suggested to have Td symmetry from the... (Read more)
- 14. Phys. Rev. B 67, 205202 (2003) , “Formation and annealing of nitrogen-related complexes in SiC”, U. Gerstmann, E. Rauls, Th. Frauenheim, and H. OverhofWe propose a mechanism for the annealing of vacancy-related defects in SiC, based on ab initio total energy calculations. Our mechanism is based on the formation and migration of carbon and nitrogen split interstitials resulting in CSi(NC)n or... (Read more)
- 15. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 185507 (2003) , “Hydrogen Incorporation in Diamond: The Nitrogen-Vacancy-Hydrogen Complex”, C. Glover, M. E. Newton, P. Martineau, D. J. Twitchen, J. M. BakerWe report the identification of the nitrogen-vacancy-hydrogen complex in a freestanding nitrogen-doped isotopically engineered single crystal diamond synthesized by chemical vapor deposition. The hydrogen atom is located in the vacancy of a nearest-neighbor nitrogen-vacancy defect and appears to be... (Read more)
- 16. Phys. Rev. B 66, 235202 (2002) , “Continuous-wave and pulsed EPR study of the negatively charged silicon vacancy with S=3/2 and C3v symmetry in n-type 4H-SiC”, N. Mizuochi, S. Yamasaki, H. Takizawa, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh, J. IsoyaThe TV2a center, which was suggested to be the excited triplet state (S=1) of the neutral silicon vacancy related defect [S?rman et al., Phys. Rev. B 61, 2613 (2000)] in the electron-irradiated n-type 4H-SiC has been studied by continuous wave and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance... (Read more)
- 17. Phys. Rev. B 66, 161202(R) (2002) , “Phosphorus and sulphur doping of diamond”, L. G. Wang and Alex ZungerPrevious calculations on n-type doping of diamond by P and S predicted that S has a shallower level and a higher solubility than P. Our first-principles calculations show that the opposite is true: Phosphorus impurity in diamond gives rise to a shallower donor level, and has a higher bulk solid... (Read more)
- 18. Phys. Rev. B 58, 9845 (1998) , “Theory of Carbon-Carbon Pairs in Silicon”, R. B. Capaz, A. Dal Pino, Jr., J. D. Joannopoulos.Interstitial-substitutional carbon pairs (CiCs) in silicon display interesting metastable behavior associated with two different structural configurations. In this work, we perform extensive ab initio calculations on this system. Our results show the following. (i) The... (Read more)
- 19. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 36, 77 (1996) , “New Oxygen-Related EPR Spectra in Proton-Irradiated Silicon”, Kh. A. Abdullin, B. N. Mukashev, A. M. Makhov and Yu. V. GorelkinskiiAn electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of proton-irradiated silicon has revealed two new EPR spectra labeled Si-AA13 and Si-AA14. Spectrum AA13 has C3v symmetry (g = 1.9985 and g = 2.0024 ± 0.0002), AA14 C1 symmetry. These spectra correspond to positive (B+) and negative (B−)... (Read more)
- 20. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11, 1696-1703 (1996) , “Metastable oxygen - silicon interstitial complex in crystalline silicon”, Kh. A. Abdullin, B. N. Mukashev, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii.A new metastable complex in monocrystalline silicon irradiated at with protons has been studied. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) Si-AA13 ( symmetry) and Si-AA14 ( symmetry) spectra as well as the known Si-A18 spectrum originate from different molecular configurations of the complex. A... (Read more)
- 21. Phys. Rev. B 47, 3620-3625 (1993) , “{H,B}, {H,C}, and {H,Si} pairs in silicon and germanium”, Dj. M. Maric, P. F. Meier, S. K. EstreicherThe interactions between interstitial H and substitutional B, C, and Si in crystalline silicon and germanium are studied in molecular clusters at the ab initio Hartree-Fock level with large basis sets. The energetics, electronic structures, and relative stabilities of these pairs are determined. Our... (Read more)
- 22. Physica B 170, 155-167 (1991) , “Electron paramagnetic resonance of hydrogen in silicon ”, Yu.V. Gorelkinskii, N.N. Nevinnyi
- 23. Phys. Rev. B 42, 5765 (1990) , “Bistable interstitial-carbonsubstitutional-carbon pair in silicon”, L. W. Song, X. D. Zhan, B. W. Benson, and G. D. WatkinsA bistable interstitial-carbon?substitutional-carbon pair has been identified in electron-irradiated silicon by a combination of several spectroscopic experimental techniques. In the positive and negative charge states, the stable configuration of the defect involves a carbon-silicon ??molecule??... (Read more)
- 24. Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 460 (1988) , “Bistable Defect in Silicon: The Interstitial-Carbon-Substitutional-Carbon Pair”, L. W. Song, X. D. Zhan, B. W. Benson, G. D. Watkins.By combining several spectroscopic techniques, we have observed a new type of bistable center in electron-irradiated silicon and have identified it as an interstitial-carbon?substitutional-carbon pair. The positive and negative charge states of the defect share a common stable configuration which... (Read more)
- 25. Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 37 (1982) , “Optical Detection of Magnetic Resonance for a Deep-Level Defect in Silicon”, K. M. Lee, K. P. O'Donnell, J. Weber, B. C. Cavenett, and G. D. WatkinsOptical detection of magnetic resonance is reported for the 0.97-eV luminescence in neutron-irradiated silicon. The resonance is of an excited triplet (S=1) state of the defect, which is not the radiative state, known to be a singlet (S=0). The spectrum is unusual in that it is characteristic of a... (Read more)
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