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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 71, 115204 (2005) , “Electron Spin Resonance Study of Paramagnetic Centers in Neutron-Irradiated Heat-Treated Silicon”, D. Pierreux and A. StesmansElectron spin resonance (ESR) was used to study neutron-induced defects in silicon as functions of anneal temperature Tan. For Tan below 200 °C, the ESR response is dominated by the Si-P3 and Si-P6 spectra, as observed before. At Tan=200 ... (Read more)
- 2. phys. stat. sol. (a) 92, K53 (1985) , “Low Symmetry Centre in Silicon”, A. V. Dvurechenskii, V. V. Suprunchik.Investigation of the defect formation in heavily doped silicon irradiated by high dose of electrons have led to the discovery of new types of defects /1, 2/. The present note is the next one of this series. A new centre is investigated in p-type silicon irradiated by neutrons. (Read more)Si| EPR neutron-irradiation| A5 C1 H8 P3 P6 Sii Vsi interstitial p-type triclinic vacancy .inp files: Si/H8/H8.inp | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 14, 4506 (1976) , “EPR study of neutron-irradiated silicon: A positive charge state of the <100> split di-interstitial”, Young-Hoon Lee, Nikolai N. Gerasimenko, and James W. CorbettThe Si-P6 spectrum shows an intrinsic tetragonal symmetry with the C2 axis along ?100? and distortion forces the principal axes of the g tensor to be displaced in the {100} plane. The g tensor previously identified by Jung and Newell was found to be due to the motionally averaged state... (Read more)
- 4. Solid State Commun. 15, 1781 (1974) , “EPR evidence of the self-interstitials in neutron-irradiated silicon*1”, Y. H. Lee, J. W. Corbett.Detailed studies on Si---P6 spectrum show that the spectrum has an unusual g-tensor symmetry (monoclinic II) and a large stress alignment (n/n|| = 17). A number of defect models for this spectrum were considered; two (<100> split-interstitial and <100> di-interstitial) are briefly discussed here.... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. 132, 648 (1963) , “Spin-1 Centers in Neutron-Irradiated Silicon”, Wun Jung and G. S. NewellElectron paramagnetic resonance was used to study a number of fast-neutron-induced defects formed in pile-irradiated silicon and to follow their concentrations as a function of annealing. Measurements were made at 300, 77, and 4.2?K on samples which had attained intrinsic resistivity during... (Read more)
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