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- 1. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 135502 (2006) , “29Si Hyperfine Structure of the Eα Center in Amorphous Silicon Dioxide”, G. Buscarino, S. Agnello, and F. M. GelardiWe report a study by electron paramagnetic resonance on the Eα point defect in amorphous silicon dioxide (a-SiO2). Our experiments were performed on γ-ray irradiated oxygen-deficient materials and pointed out that the 29Si... (Read more)
- 2. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 239, 16-48 (1998) , “Optically active oxygen-deficiency-related centers in amorphous silicon dioxide”, Linards SkujaThe spectroscopic properties, structure and interconversions of optically active oxygen-deficiency-related point defects in vitreous silica are reviewed. These defects, the E′-centers (oxygen vacancies with a trapped hole or 3-fold-coordinated silicons), different variants of diamagnetic... (Read more)GeO2 SiO2| EPR PL gamma-irradiation optical-spectroscopy| 0.5-1.0eV 1.0eV~ 1H 2.0eV~ 3.0eV~ 4.0eV~ 5.0eV~(larger) Chlorine E' E'-alpha E'-betha E'-delta E'-gamma Germanium H(I) H(II) Hydrogen ODC ODC(I) ODC(II) OHC Oxygen POR Silicon amorphous dangling-bond dielectric interstitial pair(=2) surface triplet vacancy | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 34, 7524-7533 (1986) , “Fundamental radiation-induced defect centers in synthetic fused silicas: Atomic chlorine, delocalized E' centers, and a triplet state”, D. L. Griscom and E. J. FriebeleA series of synthetic fused silicas of diverse OH contents was subjected to 100-keV x irradiations at 77 K and investigated by electron-spin-resonance techniques at ?110 K or higher temperatures. Spectra were recorded at X-band frequencies (?9.2?9.3 GHz) both as the first derivative of absorption... (Read more)
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Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
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