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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 74, 155204 (2006) , “Vibronic spectrum of c-BN measured with cathodoluminescence”, C. Manfredotti, R. Cossio, A. Lo Giudice, E. Vittone, and F. FizzottiAn extended vibronic spectrum (up to six phonon replicas) has been measured by low temperature cathodoluminescence in pure c-BN microcrystalline samples obtained by high temperature high pressure method. The zero phonon line, found at 3.573 eV, should be connected to a center identified... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 72, 045219 (2005) , “Fluorine in Si: Native-defect complexes and the supression of impurity diffusion”, Giorgia M. Lopez, Vincenzo Fiorentini, Giuliana Impellizzeri, Salvatore Mirabella, Enrico NapolitaniThe transient enhanced diffusion of acceptor impurities severely affects the realization of ultrahigh doping regions in miniaturized Si-based devices. Fluorine codoping has been found to suppress this transient diffusion, but the mechanism underlying this effect is not understood. It has been proposed that fluorine-impurity or fluorine–native-defect interactions may be responsible. Here we clarify this mechanism combining first-principles theoretical studies of fluorine in Si and purposely designed experiments on Si structures containing boron and fluorine. The central interaction mechanism is the preferential binding of fluorine to Si-vacancy dangling bonds and the consequent formation of vacancy-fluorine complexes. The latter effectively act as traps for the excess self-interstitials that would normally cause boron transient enhanced diffusion. Instead, fluorine-boron interactions are marginal and do not play any significant role. Our results are also consistent with other observations such as native-defect trapping and bubble formation. (Read more)
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Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
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