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- 1. Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4753-4755 (2002) , “Characterization of S centers generated by thermal degradation in SiO2 on (100)Si”, A. Stesmans, B. Nouwen, D. Pierreux, and V. V. Afanas'evThe structural degradation of thermal SiO2 on (100)Si under isochronal vacuum annealing in the range Tan = 950 °C1250 °C was monitored by electron spin resonance (ESR) in terms of point defect creation, including... (Read more)
- 2. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 54, 38-42 (1998) , “Detection and analysis of 29Si hyperfine structures in ESR spectra of E′ and E′-type centers in SiO2 glasses”, M. Mizuguchi, H. Hosono, H. KawazoeFour sets of ESR doublets with splittings of 9, 23, 26 or 44 mT were observed in dry a-SiO2 (Type IV, OH concentrations1017 cm−3) implanted with 29Si+ to a fluence of 6×1016 cm−2 at 160 keV. These doublets were attributed to the hyperfine structures due to a 29Si nucleus of... (Read more)
- 3. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 179, 39-50 (1994) , “Paramagnetic resonance of E′-type centers in Si-implanted amorphous SiO2. Si29 hyperfine structure and characteristics of Zeeman resonances*1”, H. Hosono, H. Kawazoe, K. Oyoshi, S. TanakaElectron paramagnetic resonance spectra were measured on SiO2 glasses implanted with Si ions to a fluence of 6 × 1016 cm−2 at an acceleration voltage of 160 kV. Three sets of doublets with different separation were observed in Si29-implanted substrates and were ascribed to primary... (Read more)
- 4. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 179, 1-9 (1994) , “The many varieties of E′ centers: a review”, Robert A. WeeksThree varieties of E′ centers with a spin state, S = 1/2, and with a G-tensor, Gx Gy 2.0003, Gz 2.0018, were identified in the early reports on paramagnetic states in irradiated α-quartz. The atomic structure of two of these had an hydrogen ion (proton) in nearby sites and hence... (Read more)
- 5. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 32, 327-338 (1979) , “ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE AND HOPPING CONDUCTIVITY OF a-SiOx”, E. Holzenk?mpfer, F. -W. Richter, J. Stuke, U. Voget-GroteAmorphous SiOx-layers with O < x < 2 have been prepared by evaporation of Si at oxygen pressures of 10−6 … 10−3 mbar. The composition of the samples was determined by proton backscattering. The band gap, derived from optical measurements, increases with rising oxygen... (Read more)
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