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- 1. Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1704 (2004) , “Bistable defect in mega-electron-volt proton implanted 4H silicon carbide”, D. M. Martin, H. Kortegaard Nielsen, P. L?v?que, A. Hall?n, G. Alfieri, B. G. SvenssonEpitaxial 4H-SiC n-type layers implanted at room temperature with a low fluence of mega-electron-volt protons have been measured by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The proton fluence of 1×1012 cm2 creates an estimated initial concentration of... (Read more)
- 2. Physica B 340-342, 743 (2003) , “Annealing study of a bistable defect in proton-implanted n-type 4H-SiC”, H. Kortegaard Nielsen, D. M. Martin, P. Lévêque, A. Hallén and B. G. SvenssonThe thermal stability and annealing kinetics of a bistable defect, recently reported by Martin (Master Thesis, KTH/ELE/FTE/2003-1) employing deep level transient spectroscopy and labelled the M-centre, has been studied using n-type epitaxially grown 4H-SiC layers implanted with 2.5 MeV protons to a... (Read more)
- 3. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 37, 1939-1944 (1999) , “Role of the EL2 Center on the Formation of Metastable Hydrogen-related Defects (M3/M4) in n-GaAs”, T. Shinagawa, T. OkumuraHydrogen-related metastable defects (M3/M4) in n-GaAs were studied in relation to the EL2 center. We found that the M3/M4 defects were observed only in the crystals containing the EL2 center in the as-grown state after exposure to a hydrogen plasma. The EL3 level, which was tentatively assigned as... (Read more)
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Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
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