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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 75, 075202 (2007) , “Theoretical study of Li and Na as n-type dopants for diamond”, J. P. Goss and P. R. BriddonPhosphorus is the n-type dopant of choice for diamond, but results in a deep donor level and alternatives are being sought. One possibility is the incorporation of interstitial alkali metal impurities such as Li and Na. We present the results of density-functional calculations used to predict... (Read more)
- 2. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 112113 (2006) , “Control of p- and n-type conductivities in Li-doped ZnO thin films”, J. G. Lu, Y. Z. Zhang, Z. Z. Ye, Y. J. Zeng, H. P. He, L. P. Zhu, J. Y. Huang, L. Wang, J. Yuan, B. H. Zhao, and X. H. LiLi-doped ZnO films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition. The carrier type could be controlled by adjusting the growth conditions. In an ionized oxygen atmosphere, p-type ZnO was achieved, with the hole concentration of 6.04×1017 cm3 at an optimal Li... (Read more)
- 3. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 042106 (2006) , “Identification of acceptor states in Li-doped p-type ZnO thin films”, Y. J. Zeng, Z. Z. Ye, J. G. Lu, W. Z. Xu, L. P. Zhu, B. H. Zhao, and Sukit LimpijumnongWe investigate photoluminescence from reproducible Li-doped p-type ZnO thin films prepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering. The LiZn acceptor state, with an energy level located at 150 meV above the valence band maximum, is identified from free-to-neutral-acceptor transitions.... (Read more)
- 4. Phys. Rev. B 74, 174122 (2006) , “Lithium colloids and color center creation in electron-irradiated Li2NH observed by electron-spin resonance”, F. Beuneu, P. Vajda, Y. Nakamori, and S. OrimoWe have irradiated Li2NH powder with MeV electrons at room temperature and investigated the introduced defects with electron spin resonance. Conduction electron spin resonance indicates the presence of nanosize metallic Li colloids seen as a Lorentzian line with a g=2.0023 and a... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. B 74, 161202 (2006) , “Deactivation of Li by vacancy clusters in ion-implanted and flash-annealed ZnO”, T. Moe Børseth, F. Tuomisto, J. S. Christensen, W. Skorupa, E. V. Monakhov, B. G. Svensson, and A. Yu. KuznetsovLi is present in hydrothermally grown ZnO at high concentrations and is known to compensate both n- and p-type doping due to its amphoteric nature. However, Li can be manipulated by annealing and ion implantation in ZnO. Fast, 20 ms flash anneals in the 9001400 °C range... (Read more)
- 6. Phys. Rev. B 73, 235209 (2006) , “Temperature dependence of the vibrational spectrum of a Li-OH complex in ZnO: Infrared absorption experiments and theory”, Kevin R. Martin, Philip Blaney, Gang Shi, Michael Stavola, and W. Beall FowlerConsiderable interest has developed in the potential use of IIVI oxides as electronic and optical materials. In several cases, alkali atoms have been suggested as dopants. We report on the theoretical and experimental investigation of infrared and vibrational properties of a Li-OH complex in... (Read more)
- 7. Physica B 340-342, 225-229 (2003) , “Optical absorption of a Li-related impurity in ZnO”, Deirdre Mc Cabe, Karl Johnston, Martin O. Henry, Enda Mc Glynn, Eduardo Alves and J. John DaviesA defect associated with Li in ZnO is reported. This is an optical system which absorbs strongly in the red part of the spectrum: a doublet, the zero phonon lines are at 1.884 and 1.879 eV, respectively. The chemical nature of the centre is identified through isotope substitution. This is the first... (Read more)
- 8. phys. stat. sol. (b) 221, 625-631 (2000) , “Identification of the Gold-Lithium Defect L1 in Silicon with the Trigonal Centre Au2--(Li+)3 by Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”, B. Langhanki, J. ?M. SpaethN-type silicon doped with gold and lithium was investigated by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS), using two sets of samples with different defect concentrations of both gold and lithium. Photoluminescence (PL) on both sets of samples allowed to... (Read more)
- 9. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 38, L113 (1999) , “Yellow Emission from Zinc Oxide giving an Electron Spin Resonance Signal at g=1.96”, Naoki Ohashi, Tomokazu Nakata, Takashi Sekiguchi, Hideo Hosono, Masafumi Mizuguchi, Takaaki Tsurumi, Junzo Tanaka, Hajime HanedaZnO polycrystals doped with Li, Cu or Al were prepared by solid-state reactions and their cathodoluminescence (CL) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra were measured. A strong yellow emission centered at 2.0 eV was observed for the Al-doped specimen and its intensity was higher than that of... (Read more)
- 10. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 10, 977 (1995) , “EPR and ENDOR Observation of Orthorhombic Au-Li and Pt-Li Pairs in Silicon: on the Problem of the Observation of Isolated AuSi0 with Magnetic Resonance”, S. Greulich-Weber, P. Alteheld, J. Reinke, H. Weihrich, H. Overhof, J. M. Spaeth.We report the observation of orthorhombic Au-Li and Pt-Li pairs in Si using EPR and ENDOR techniques and also MCDA spectroscopy. The EPR spectra alone could be mistaken as being due to orthorhombic isolated point defects and ENDOR is required to detect the Li partner of the pair. Comparison of the... (Read more)
- 11. Appl. Phys. A 30, 1 (1983) , “Transition Metals in Silicon”, E. R. Weber.A review is given on the diffusion, solubility and electrical activity of 3d transition metals in silicon. Transition elements (especially, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) diffuse interstitially and stay in the interstitial site in thermal equilibrium at the diffusion temperature. The parameters of the liquidus curves are identical for the Si:Ti — Si:Ni melts, indicating comparable silicon-metal interaction for all these elements. Only Cr, Mn, and Fe could be identified in undisturbed interstitial sites after quenching, the others precipitated or formed complexes. The 3d elements can be divided into two groups according to the respective enthalpy of formation of the solid solution. The distinction can arise from different charge states of these impurities at the diffusion temperature. For the interstitial 3d atoms remaining after quenching, reliable energy levels are established from the literature and compared with recent calculations. (Read more)
- 12. Solid State Commun. 25, 77-80 (1978) , “Exchange broadened, optically detected ESR spectra for luminescent donor-acceptor pairs in Li doped ZnO”, R. T. Cox, D. Block, A. Hervé, R. Picard and C. SantierR. HelbigApplication of optically detected ESR to the yellow photoluminescence of Li doped ZnO gives ESR spectra for shallow donor - lithium acceptor pairs, showing that at least a fraction of the yellow emission is donor-acceptor (D-A) luminescence. The distribution of separations rDA gives a spectrum of... (Read more)
- 13. J. Lumin. 5, 385-405 (1972) , “Trapping and recombination processes in the thermoluminescence of Li-doped ZnO single crystals*1”, D. ZwingelThe thermoluminescence of Li-doped ZnO single crystals is investigated in the temperature range 4.2–300 K. A glow curve is observed with three maxima, two of them emitting the strong polarized yellow luminescence of ZnO. By varying the Li concentration in the range 0.1–200 ppm a change... (Read more)
- 14. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 32, 499-509 (1971) , “Trapped-hole centers containing lithium in MgO, CaO and SrO”, O. F. SchirmerWe report an ESR investigation of a center in MgO, CaO and SrO consisting of an O− ion neighbored by a substitutional Li+ ion. The center is identified by comparison with the isomorphous centers in ZnO and BeO and with the analogous V1, VOH and VF centers in the alkaline earth oxides. The... (Read more)
- 15. Radiat. Eff. 8, 229 (1971) , “Li-Defect Interactions in Electron-Irradiated n-Type Silicon by EPR Measurements”, B. Goldstein.Single crystal sylicon, both with and without oxygen, has been diffused with lithium to concentrations ~1017/cm3, irradiated woth 1 to 1.5 MeV electrons, and the ensuing defects studies by EPR measurements. The presene of oxygen strongly affects the properties of these defects. Measurements have indicated the presence of two new defects which involve Li---one in O-containing material and one in O-free material. The defects are observed in their electron-filled state, and indicate a net electron spin of 1/2. The defect spectra disappear (with time) at room temperature, and can be explained by the formation of other Li-involved defects which lie deeper in the energy bandgap and are not visible by EPR. Electron irradiatioin at 40ºK followecd by annealing at higher temperatures show that both EPR defects described above begin to form at about 200ºK and begin to decrease at about 275ºK---just as does the 250ºK reverse annealing observed generally for n-type Si. Based on these data, and the work of others, it is suggested that both defects form as a result of the motion of Si interstitial which produce a (Li-O-interstitial) complex in O-containing Si, and (Li-interstitial) complex in O-free Si.
- 16. Phys. Rev. B 2, 4110 (1970) , “Li-Defect Interactions in Electron-Irradiated n-Type Silicon”, B. Goldstein.Single-crystal silicon, both with and without oxygen, has been diffused with lithium to concentrations ? 1017/cm3, irradiated with 1-1.5-MeV electrons, and the ensuing defects studied by EPR and electrical measurements. The presence of oxygen strongly affects the properties of... (Read more)Si| EPR electron-irradiation| Lithium RCA3 RCA4 n-type .inp files: Si/Li3 Si/Li4 | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 17. Phys. Rev. B 1, 4071 (1970) , “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of a System with Orbital Degeneracy: The Lithium Donor in Silicon”, G. D. Watkins and Frank S. HamElectron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) and electron-nuclear double-resonance (ENDOR) spectra are reported for the first time for the isolated interstitial lithium shallow-donor center in silicon. In zero applied stress the EPR spectrum is complicated because of the fivefold orbital degeneracy... (Read more)
- 18. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 29, 1407-1429 (1968) , “The structure of the paramagnetic lithium center in zinc oxide and beryllium oxide”, O. F. SchirmerIf ZnO and BeO crystals containing Li are irradiated with u.v. or X-rays, a paramagnetic defect center is created consisting of a hole captured at an O2− ion next to a substitutional Li+ impurity. Because of the polarity of the crystals, the hole assumes its lowest energy, if the... (Read more)
- 19. Phys. Rev. Lett. 17, 428 (1966) , “Direct Observation of Lithium-Defect Interaction in Silicon by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Measurements”, Bernard GoldsteinElectron paramagnetic resonance measurements have been used to observe directly the interaction of lithium with damage centers produced by electron irrsadiation in n-type, floatzone silicon. The silicon is characterized by low oxygen concentrations, with lithium as the predominant... (Read more)
- 20. Solid State Physics 5, 258-319 (1957) , Academic Press, New York (Edited by F. Seitz, D. Turnbull) , “Shallow Impurity States in Silicon and Germanium”, W. KohnI. Introduction (p.258): II. Emprical Properties (p.261): 1. Energy Levels (p.261), a. Ionization Energies, b. Spectra of Excited States, 2. Spin Resonance (p.266), a. Electron Spin Resonance, b. Double Resonance, 3. Static Magnetic Susceptibility (p.271), III. Structure of Donor States (p.271): 4. Conduction Bands of Silicon and Germanium (p.271), a. Silicon, b. Germanium, 5. Effective Mass Theory of Donor States (p.274), a. Single Band Minimum at k=0, b. Several Conduction Band Minima, c. Matrix Elements for Radiative Transitions, 6. Numerical Results and Comparison with Experiments (p.285), a. Energy Levels, b. Wave Functions, 7. Corrections to the Effective Mass Formalism (p.289), a. General Considerations, b. Corrected Wave Functions, c. Comparison with Experiment, IV. Structure of Acceptor States (p.297): 8. Valence Bands of Silicon and Germanium (p.297), a. Silicon, b. Germanium, 9. Effective Mass Equations for Acceptor States (p.300), 10. Approximate Solutions and Comparison with Experiment (p.301) a. Germanium b. Silicon V.Effects of Strains and of Static Electric and Magnetic Fields (p.306): 11. Strains (p.306) a. Donor States, b. Acceptor States, 12. Stark Effect (p.311)
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