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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 75, 033301 (2007) , “Microscopic evidence for evolution of superconductivity by effective carrier doping in boron-doped diamond: 11B-NMR study”, H. Mukuda, T. Tsuchida, A. Harada, Y. Kitaoka, T. Takenouchi, Y. Takano, M. Nagao, I. Sakaguchi, T. Oguchi, and H. KawaradaWe have investigated the superconductivity discovered in boron-doped diamonds by means of 11B-NMR on heteroepitaxially grown (111) and (100) films. 11B-NMR spectra for all of the films are identified to arise from the substitutional B(1) site as single occupation and lower... (Read more)
- 2. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 131918 (2006) , “Hydrogen incorporation processes in nanodiamond films studied by isotopic induced modifications of Raman spectra”, Sh. Michaelson, O. Ternyak, A. Hoffman, and Y. LifshitzThe effect of replacing H by D and C-12 by C-13 in the gas species used to grow different types of nanodiamond films on the Raman spectra of these films was studied. The modifications of the Raman spectra were investigated in submicron sized diamond films grown by hot filament chemical vapor... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 74, 134303 (2006) , “1H NMR study of proton dynamics in Cs5H3(SO4)4·xH2O”, Koh-ichi Suzuki and Shigenobu HayashiComplicated phase relations in Cs5H3(SO4)4·xH2O are revealed by thermal analyses. A superprotonic phase transition takes place at 420 K for both the hydrated and the anhydrous forms. The 1H magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR... (Read more)
- 4. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 135502 (2004) , “Hydrogen Incorporation in Diamond: The Vacancy-Hydrogen Complex”, C. Glover, M. E. Newton, P. M. Martineau, S. Quinn, D. J. TwitchenWe report the identification of the vacancy-hydrogen complex in single crystal diamond synthesized by chemical vapor deposition. The S = 1 defect is observed by electron paramagnetic resonance in the negative charge state. The hydrogen atom is bonded to one of the carbon atoms neighboring the... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 185507 (2003) , “Hydrogen Incorporation in Diamond: The Nitrogen-Vacancy-Hydrogen Complex”, C. Glover, M. E. Newton, P. Martineau, D. J. Twitchen, J. M. BakerWe report the identification of the nitrogen-vacancy-hydrogen complex in a freestanding nitrogen-doped isotopically engineered single crystal diamond synthesized by chemical vapor deposition. The hydrogen atom is located in the vacancy of a nearest-neighbor nitrogen-vacancy defect and appears to be... (Read more)
- 6. Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 2397-2399 (2002) , “Hydrogen redistribution induced by negative-bias-temperature stress in metal–oxide–silicon diodes”, Ziyuan LiuPoly-Si/SiO2/Si diodes in which oxides were grown thermally under wet oxidation conditions and subsequently treated by a post-oxidation anneal (POA) have been characterized electrically and chemically before and after applying negative-bias-temperature stress (NBTS). It was confirmed that... (Read more)
- 7. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 45504 (2002) , “Hydrogen: A Relevant Shallow Donor in Zinc Oxide”, Detlev M. Hofmann, Albrecht Hofstaetter, Frank Leiter, Huijuan Zhou, Frank Henecker, Bruno K. Meyer, Sergei B. Orlinskii, Jan Schmidt, Pavel G. BaranovElectron paramagnetic resonance and Hall measurements show consistently the presence of two donors ( D1 and D2) in state-of-the-art, nominally undoped ZnO single crystals. Using electron nuclear double resonance it is found that D1 shows hyperfine interaction with more than 50 shells of surrounding... (Read more)
- 8. Physica B 302-303, 233-238 (2001) , “Complexes of Gold and Platinum with Hydrogen in Silicon”, P. T. Huy and C. A. J. AmmerlaanThree centers that involve gold or platinum and hydrogen have been observed in n-type hydrogenated silicon by electron paramagnetic resonance. The first two centers, labeled Si-NL63 and Si-NL64, were detected in the gold-doped samples revealing hyperfine interaction with two gold atoms for the... (Read more)
- 9. Physica B 302-303, 212-219 (2001) , “Magnetic resonance studies of shallow donor centers in hydrogenated Cz–Si crystals”, B. Langhanki, S. Greulich-Weber, J. ?M. Staeth, V. P. Markevich, L. I. Murin, T. Mchedlidze, M. Suezawa.A complex magnetic resonance study (EPR, electrically detected EPR, ENDOR) of hydrogen-related radiation-induced shallow donors in silicon has been performed. Three species of this donor family (D1–D3) were observed earlier by means of infrared absorption measurements in hydrogenated... (Read more)
- 10. Phys. Rev. B 61, 7448-7458 (2000) , “Hydrogen passivation of the selenium double donor in silicon:?A study by magnetic resonance”, P. T. Huy, C. A. J. Ammerlaan, T. Gregorkiewicz, D. T. Don.The passivation by hydrogen of selenium double donors in silicon has been investigated by magnetic resonance. Hydrogen was introduced by heat treatment at high temperatures in an atmosphere of water vapor. Two spectra were observed, labeled Si-NL60 and Si-NL61 for further reference, both showing... (Read more)
- 11. Phys. Rev. B 61, 4659-4666 (2000) , “Identification of the Oxygen-Vacancy Defect Containing a Single Hydrogen Atom in Crystalline Silicon”, P. Johannesen, B. Bech Nielsen, J. R. Byberg.Float-zone and Czochralski-grown silicon crystals have been implanted with protons or deuterons at ?50 K. Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements reveal a new signal in the spectrum of the Czochralski-grown (oxygen-rich) material. This signal is strongly temperature dependent, displaying a... (Read more)
- 12. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 239, 16-48 (1998) , “Optically active oxygen-deficiency-related centers in amorphous silicon dioxide”, Linards SkujaThe spectroscopic properties, structure and interconversions of optically active oxygen-deficiency-related point defects in vitreous silica are reviewed. These defects, the E′-centers (oxygen vacancies with a trapped hole or 3-fold-coordinated silicons), different variants of diamagnetic... (Read more)GeO2 SiO2| EPR PL gamma-irradiation optical-spectroscopy| 0.5-1.0eV 1.0eV~ 1H 2.0eV~ 3.0eV~ 4.0eV~ 5.0eV~(larger) Chlorine E' E'-alpha E'-betha E'-delta E'-gamma Germanium H(I) H(II) Hydrogen ODC ODC(I) ODC(II) OHC Oxygen POR Silicon amorphous dangling-bond dielectric interstitial pair(=2) surface triplet vacancy | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 13. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 16, 2134-2153 (1998) , “What can electron paramagnetic resonance tell us about the Si/SiO2 system?”, P. M. Lenahan, J. F. Conley, Jr.Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements of Si/SiO2 systems began over 30 years ago. Most EPR studies of Si/SiO2 systems have dealt with two families of defects: Pb centers and E centers. Several variants from each group have... (Read more)BPSG PSG Si SiO2| EDMR EPR electric-field-effect electrical-meas. etching gamma-irradiation| 10B 11B 1H 29Si 2D 31P BOHC Boron Deuterium E' E'-delta H(I) Hydrogen Nb Nitrogen Oxygen P1 P2 P4 POHC Pb Pb0 Pb1 Phosphorus Silicon amorphous complex(=3) dangling-bond device dielectric interface pair(=2) | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 14. Phys. Rev. B 58, 3842 (1998) , “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of Hydrogen-Vacancy Defects in Crystalline Silicon”, P. Stallinga, P. Johannesen, S. Herstm, K. Bonde Nielsen, B. Bech Nielsen, J. R. Byberg.Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements on float-zone silicon implanted with protons at ?50 K followed by heating to room temperature have revealed two signals S1a and S1b belonging to the S1 group of signals. S1a and S1b both originate from defects... (Read more)
- 15. Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1507 (1997) , “Identification of the Silicon Vacancy Containing a Single Hydrogen Atom by EPR”, B. Bech Nielsen, P. Johannesen, P. Stallinga, K. Bonde Nielsen
- 16. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 179, 1-9 (1994) , “The many varieties of E′ centers: a review”, Robert A. WeeksThree varieties of E′ centers with a spin state, S = 1/2, and with a G-tensor, Gx Gy 2.0003, Gz 2.0018, were identified in the early reports on paramagnetic states in irradiated α-quartz. The atomic structure of two of these had an hydrogen ion (proton) in nearby sites and hence... (Read more)
- 17. Physica B 170, 155-167 (1991) , “Electron paramagnetic resonance of hydrogen in silicon ”, Yu.V. Gorelkinskii, N.N. Nevinnyi
- 18. Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 251-253 (1982) , “Defects and impurities in thermal oxides on silicon”, K. L. Brower, P. M. Lenahan, and P. V. DressendorferOxides grown at 1100 °C in dry oxygen for 60 min to a thickness of 1350 Å on silicon with and without subsequent forming gas anneals were 60Co irradiated at 4 K with doses up to 106 rad (Si). In situ electron paramagnetic... (Read more)
- 19. J. Chem. Phys. 21, 1688-1694 (1953) , “Dissociation, Chemical Exchange, and the Proton Magnetic Resonance in Some Aqueous Electrolytes”, H. S. Gutowsky and A. SaikaThe position of the proton magnetic resonance is concentration dependent in aqueous solutions of electrolytes yielding hydrogen containing ions. Chemical exchange averages the chemical shifts in the proton resonance position over the different chemical species. The averaged shifts observed are... (Read more)
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