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- 1. Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 051902 (2007) , “Recombination processes in undoped and rare-earth doped MAl2O4 (M=Ca,Sr) persistent phosphors investigated by optically detected magnetic resonance”, Stefan Schweizer, Bastian Henke, Uldis Rogulis, and William M. YenThe authors present magneto-optical measurements on single-crystal MAl2O4 (M=Ca and Sr) persistent phosphors that are nominally pure or doped with Eu and Nd or Dy, respectively. Their recombination luminescence (RL) and microwave-induced changes in the RL in a... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 75, 195335 (2007) , “Computational and experimental imaging of Mn defects on GaAs (110) cross-sectional surfaces”, A. Stroppa, X. Duan, M. Peressi, D. Furlanetto, and S. ModestiWe present a combined experimental and computational study of the (110) cross-sectional surface of Mn δ-doped GaAs samples. We focus our study on three different selected Mn defect configurations not previously studied in detail, namely surface interstitial Mn, isolated and in pairs, and... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 75, 195207 (2007) , “Effects of optical absorption on 71Ga optically polarized NMR in semi-insulating GaAs: Measurements and simulations”, Stacy Mui, Kannan Ramaswamy, and Sophia E. HayesThe intensity and the hyperfine shift of optically polarized NMR (OPNMR) signals of 71Ga in semi-insulating GaAs have been found to depend on the photon energy and the helicity of light used for optical pumping. Single-crystal GaAs wafers of two different thicknesses, 400 and 175 ... (Read more)
- 4. Phys. Rev. B 75, 193201 (2007) , “Compensating point defects in 4He+-irradiated InN”, F. Tuomisto, A. Pelli, K. M. Yu, W. Walukiewicz, and W. J. SchaffWe use positron annihilation spectroscopy to study 2 MeV 4He+-irradiated InN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and GaN grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition. In GaN, the Ga vacancies act as important compensating centers in the irradiated material, introduced at a... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. B 75, 035322 (2007) , “Ab initio study of electronic and magnetic properties of the C-codoped Ga1−xMnxN (100) surface”, Q. Wang, Q. Sun, and P. JenaFirst principles calculations based on gradient corrected density functional theory have been carried out to study the magnetic coupling between Mn atoms in pure and carbon doped Ga1−xMnxN thin films. We show that the ground state of Mn-doped GaN (100) thin... (Read more)
- 6. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 083521 (2006) , “Thermally activated charge reversibility of gallium vacancies in GaAs”, Fedwa El-Mellouhi, Norm, and MousseauThe dominant charge state for the Ga vacancy in GaAs has been the subject of a long debate, with experiments suggesting −1, −2, or −3 as the best answer. We revisit this problem using ab initio calculations to compute the effects of temperature on the Gibbs free energy of... (Read more)
- 7. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 083510 (2006) , “Capture barrier for DX centers in gallium doped Cd1–xMnxTe”, Ewa Placzek-Popko, Anna Nowak, Jan Szatkowski, and Kazimierz SieranskiWe report on the capture barrier for the gallium related DX center in Cd0.99Mn0.01Te. In order to determine the barrier height, two methods were applied: an analysis of the persistent photoconductivity decay and the optical deep level transient spectroscopy... (Read more)
- 8. Nature 442, 436 (2006) , “Atom-by-atom substitution of Mn in GaAs and visualization of their hole-mediated interactions”, D. Kitchen, A. Richardella, J. -M. Tang, M. E. Flatt, A. YazdaniThe discovery of ferromagnetism in Mn-doped GaAs1 has ignited interest in the development of semiconductor technologies based on electron spin and has led to several proof-of-concept spintronic devices2, 3, 4. A major hurdle for realistic applications of Ga1-XMnXAs, or other dilute magnetic semiconductors, remains that their ferromagnetic transition temperature is below room temperature. Enhancing ferromagnetism in semiconductors requires us to understand the mechanisms for interaction between magnetic dopants, such as Mn, and identify the circumstances in which ferromagnetic interactions are maximized5. Here we describe an atom-by-atom substitution technique using a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) and apply it to perform a controlled study at the atomic scale of the interactions between isolated Mn acceptors, which are mediated by holes in GaAs. High-resolution STM measurements are used to visualize the GaAs electronic states that participate in the Mn–Mn interaction and to quantify the interaction strengths as a function of relative position and orientation. Our experimental findings, which can be explained using tight-binding model calculations, reveal a strong dependence of ferromagnetic interaction on crystallographic orientation. This anisotropic interaction can potentially be exploited by growing oriented Ga1-XMnXAs structures to enhance the ferromagnetic transition temperature beyond that achieved in randomly doped samples. (Read more)
- 9. Phys. Rev. B 74, 205207 (2006) , “Charge-dependent migration pathways for the Ga vacancy in GaAs”, Fedwa El-Mellouhi, Norm, and MousseauUsing a combination of the local-basis ab initio program SIESTA and the activation-relaxation technique we study the diffusion mechanisms of the gallium vacancy in GaAs. Vacancies are found to diffuse to the second neighbor using two different mechanisms, as well as to the first and fourth... (Read more)
- 10. Phys. Rev. B 74, 153201 (2006) , “Light-induced hyperfine 69Ga shifts in semi-insulating GaAs observed by optically polarized NMR”, Kannan Ramaswamy, Stacy Mui, and Sophia E. HayesWe report the observation of 69Ga NMR light induced hyperfine shifts at 6 K in semi-insulating GaAs detected by optically polarized nuclear magnetic resonance in a magnetic field of 4.7 T. The main features of the observed shift are a systematic change in the absolute shift value as the... (Read more)
- 11. Phys. Rev. B 69, 45208 (2004) , “Intrinsic defects in GaN. II. Electronically enhanced migration of interstitial Ga observed by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance”, P. Johannesen, A. Zakrzewski, L. S. Vlasenko, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, Haruo Sunakawa, Masashi MizutaOptical excitation at 1.7 K with 364-nm laser light produces partial annealing recovery of the damage produced in GaN by 2.5-MeV electron irradiation in situ at 4.2 K. Observed is a reduction in the irradiation-produced 0.95-eV photoluminescence (PL) band, recovery in the visible... (Read more)
- 12. Phys. Rev. B 69, 45207 (2004) , “Intrinsic defects in GaN. I. Ga sublattice defects observed by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance”, K. H. Chow, L. S. Vlasenko, P. Johannesen, C. Bozdog, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, Haruo Sunakawa, Chiaki Sasaoka, Masashi MizutaIrradiation of GaN by 2.5-MeV electrons in situ at 4.2 K produces a broad photoluminescence (PL) band centered at 0.95 eV. Optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance (ODEPR) in the band reveals two very similar, but distinct, signals, L5 and L6, which we identify as interstitial... (Read more)
- 13. Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 1334 (2002) , “Production of nitrogen acceptors in ZnO by thermal annealing”, N. Y. Garces, N. C. Giles, L. E. Halliburton, G. Cantwell, D. B. Eason, D. C. Reynolds, D. C. LookNitrogen acceptors are formed when undoped single crystals of zinc oxide (ZnO) grown by the chemical-vapor transport method are annealed in air or nitrogen atmosphere at temperatures between 600 and 900 °C. After an anneal, an induced near-edge absorption band causes the crystals to appear... (Read more)
- 14. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2761 (2000) , “Detection of Interstitial Ga in GaN”, K. H. Chow, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, M. MizutaWe report the direct detection of interstitial Ga by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance (ODEPR) in the photoluminescence of n-type GaN after irradiation in situ at 4.2 K with 2.5 MeV electrons. It is stable upon annealing until room temperature, where it becomes mobile and trapped... (Read more)
- 15. Solid State Physics 5, 258-319 (1957) , Academic Press, New York (Edited by F. Seitz, D. Turnbull) , “Shallow Impurity States in Silicon and Germanium”, W. KohnI. Introduction (p.258): II. Emprical Properties (p.261): 1. Energy Levels (p.261), a. Ionization Energies, b. Spectra of Excited States, 2. Spin Resonance (p.266), a. Electron Spin Resonance, b. Double Resonance, 3. Static Magnetic Susceptibility (p.271), III. Structure of Donor States (p.271): 4. Conduction Bands of Silicon and Germanium (p.271), a. Silicon, b. Germanium, 5. Effective Mass Theory of Donor States (p.274), a. Single Band Minimum at k=0, b. Several Conduction Band Minima, c. Matrix Elements for Radiative Transitions, 6. Numerical Results and Comparison with Experiments (p.285), a. Energy Levels, b. Wave Functions, 7. Corrections to the Effective Mass Formalism (p.289), a. General Considerations, b. Corrected Wave Functions, c. Comparison with Experiment, IV. Structure of Acceptor States (p.297): 8. Valence Bands of Silicon and Germanium (p.297), a. Silicon, b. Germanium, 9. Effective Mass Equations for Acceptor States (p.300), 10. Approximate Solutions and Comparison with Experiment (p.301) a. Germanium b. Silicon V.Effects of Strains and of Static Electric and Magnetic Fields (p.306): 11. Strains (p.306) a. Donor States, b. Acceptor States, 12. Stark Effect (p.311)
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