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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 75, 144101 (2007) , “NMR studies of metallic tin confined within porous matrices”, E. V. Charnaya, Cheng Tien, M. K. Lee, and Yu. A. Kumzerov119Sn NMR studies were carried out for metallic tin confined within synthetic opal and porous glass. Tin was embedded into nanoporous matrices in the melted state under pressure. The Knight shift for liquid confined tin was found to decrease with decreasing pore size. Correlations between... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 61, 2657 (2000) , “Divacancy-Tin Complexes in Electron-Irradiated Silicon Studied by EPR”, M. Fanciulli, J. R. Byberg.n- and p-type float-zone silicon containing 1018-cm-3 tin were irradiated with 2 MeV electrons to a dose of 1018 cm-2 and subsequently examined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The p-type material yields only the well-known Si-G29 signal due to... (Read more)
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Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
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