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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 75, 195209 (2007) , “Mechanism and energetics of self-interstitial formation and diffusion in silicon”, Ramakrishnan Vaidyanathan, Michael Y. L. Jung, and Edmund G. SeebauerRecent work has suggested that prior determinations of diffusion mechanism and point defect thermodynamics in silicon have been affected by nonequilibrium effects stemming from uncontrolled adsorption-induced suppression of a pathway for defect creation at the surface. Through silicon self-diffusion... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 75, 035211 (2007) , “Self- and foreign-atom diffusion in semiconductor isotope heterostructures. II. Experimental results for silicon”, H. Bracht, H. H. Silvestri, I. D. Sharp, and E. E. HallerWe report the diffusion of boron, arsenic, and phosphorus in silicon isotope multilayer structures at temperatures between 850 °C and 1100 °C. The diffusion of all dopants and self-atoms at a given temperature is modeled with the same setting of all native-point-defect-related parameters.... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 265502 (2007) , “Monovacancy and Interstitial Migration in Ion-Implanted Silicon”, P. G. Coleman and C. P. BurrowsThe migration of monovacancies (V0) and self-interstitials (I) has been observed in ion-implanted low-doped float-zone silicon by variable-energy positron annihilation spectroscopy. V0 and I were created by the in situ implantation of ~20 keV... (Read more)
- 4. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 171916 (2006) , “Evidences of F-induced nanobubbles as sink for self-interstitials in Si”, S. Boninelli, A. Claverie, G. Impellizzeri, S. Mirabella, F. Priolo, E. Napolitani, and F. CristianoThe beneficial effects of F implantation on the modification of extended defects in Si have been studied. Preamorphized Si samples were implanted with F (75 keV, 6×1015 F/cm2) and regrown by solid phase epitaxy (SPE) at 700 °C. The formation, just after SPE, of a... (Read more)
- 5. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 162107 (2006) , “Physical origin of threshold voltage problems in polycrystalline silicon/HfO2 gate stacks”, Dae Yeon Kim, Joongoo Kang, and K. J. ChangBased on theoretical calculations, we find that at p+ polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si)/HfO2 gates, Si interstitials are easily migrated from the electrode, forming HfSi bonds with a charge transfer to the electrode, and the resulting interface dipole raises the Fermi level... (Read more)
- 6. Phys. Rev. B 74, 235301 (2006) , “Precursor mechanism for interaction of bulk interstitial atoms with Si(100)”, Xiao Zhang, Min Yu, Charlotte T. M. Kwok, Ramakrishnan Vaidyanathan, Richard D. Braatz, and Edmund G. SeebauerIn the same way that gases react with surfaces from above, solid-state point defects such as interstitial atoms can react from below. Little attention has been paid to this form of surface chemistry. Recent bulk self-diffusion measurements near the Si(100) surface have quantified Si interstitial... (Read more)
- 7. Phys. Rev. B 74, 235209 (2006) , “Comparison of two methods for circumventing the Coulomb divergence in supercell calculations for charged point defects”, A. F. Wright and N. A. ModineDensity-functional-theory calculations were performed for the unrelaxed +2 Si vacancy and +2 self-interstitial utilizing periodic boundary conditions and two different methods—the uniform background charge method and the local moment counter charge method—for circumventing the divergence... (Read more)
- 8. Phys. Rev. B 74, 195202 (2006) , “Interstitial-mediated mechanisms of As and P diffusion in Si: Gradient-corrected density-functional calculations”, Scott A. Harrison, Thomas F. Edgar, and Gyeong S. HwangGradient-corrected density-functional calculations are used to determine the structure, stability, and diffusion of arsenic-interstitial and phosphorus-interstitial pairs in the positive, neutral, and negative charge states. For both cases, our calculations show that the neutral pair will be... (Read more)
- 9. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 255902 (2006) , “Atomistic Mechanism of Boron Diffusion in Silicon”, Davide De Salvador, Enrico Napolitani, Salvatore Mirabella, Gabriele Bisognin, Giuliana Impellizzeri, Alberto Carnera, and Francesco PrioloB diffuses in crystalline Si by reacting with a Si self-interstitial (I) with a frequency g and so forming a fast migrating BI complex that can migrate for an average length λ. We experimentally demonstrate that both g and λ strongly depend on the free hole... (Read more)
- 10. Phys. Rev. B 72, 045219 (2005) , “Fluorine in Si: Native-defect complexes and the supression of impurity diffusion”, Giorgia M. Lopez, Vincenzo Fiorentini, Giuliana Impellizzeri, Salvatore Mirabella, Enrico NapolitaniThe transient enhanced diffusion of acceptor impurities severely affects the realization of ultrahigh doping regions in miniaturized Si-based devices. Fluorine codoping has been found to suppress this transient diffusion, but the mechanism underlying this effect is not understood. It has been proposed that fluorine-impurity or fluorine–native-defect interactions may be responsible. Here we clarify this mechanism combining first-principles theoretical studies of fluorine in Si and purposely designed experiments on Si structures containing boron and fluorine. The central interaction mechanism is the preferential binding of fluorine to Si-vacancy dangling bonds and the consequent formation of vacancy-fluorine complexes. The latter effectively act as traps for the excess self-interstitials that would normally cause boron transient enhanced diffusion. Instead, fluorine-boron interactions are marginal and do not play any significant role. Our results are also consistent with other observations such as native-defect trapping and bubble formation. (Read more)
- 11. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 245901 (2004) , “Ab Initio Calculations to Model Anomalous Fluorine Behavior”, Milan Diebel, Scott T. Dunhammplanted fluorine is observed to behave unusually in silicon, manifesting apparent uphill diffusion and reducing diffusion and enhancing activation of boron. In order to investigate fluorine behavior, we calculate the energy of fluorine defect structures in the framework of density functional theory. In addition to identifying the ground-state configuration and diffusion migration barrier of a single fluorine atom in silicon, a set of energetically favorable fluorine defect structures were found (FnVm). The decoration of vacancies and dangling silicon bonds by fluorine suggests that fluorine accumulates in vacancy-rich regions, which explains the fluorine redistribution behavior reported experimentally. (Read more)
- 12. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 58, 171-178 (1999) , “Self-Interstitial Related Reactions in Silicon Irradiated by Light Ions”, B. N. Mukashev, Kh. A. Abdullin, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii and S. Zh. TokmoldinRecent deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy data on interactions of self-interstitial with carbon, aluminium, oxygen and hydrogen in silicon irradiated by light ions are reviewed. Self-interstitial behaviour in silicon was... (Read more)
- 13. phys. stat. sol. (a) 168, 73 (1998) , “Self-Interstitials in Silicon Irradiated with Light Ions”, B. N. Mukashev, Kh. A. Abdullin, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii.The behavior of self-interstitials in silicon which was irradiated with light ions (protons and -particles) and electrons was explored by monitoring known impurity interstitial centers (Ci, Ali, (Si-O)i) with deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and electron... (Read more)
- 14. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 36, 77 (1996) , “New Oxygen-Related EPR Spectra in Proton-Irradiated Silicon”, Kh. A. Abdullin, B. N. Mukashev, A. M. Makhov and Yu. V. GorelkinskiiAn electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of proton-irradiated silicon has revealed two new EPR spectra labeled Si-AA13 and Si-AA14. Spectrum AA13 has C3v symmetry (g = 1.9985 and g = 2.0024 ± 0.0002), AA14 C1 symmetry. These spectra correspond to positive (B+) and negative (B−)... (Read more)
- 15. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11, 1696-1703 (1996) , “Metastable oxygen - silicon interstitial complex in crystalline silicon”, Kh. A. Abdullin, B. N. Mukashev, Yu. V. Gorelkinskii.A new metastable complex in monocrystalline silicon irradiated at with protons has been studied. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) Si-AA13 ( symmetry) and Si-AA14 ( symmetry) spectra as well as the known Si-A18 spectrum originate from different molecular configurations of the complex. A... (Read more)
- 16. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32, L1715 (1993) , “Carbon-Induced Rapid Annihilation of Thermal Double Donors in Czochralski Silicon Studied by Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy ”, Yoichi Kamiura*1, Yutaka Uno*2 and Fumio HashimotoCarbon-rich Czochralski Si shows anomalously rapid annihilation for all the species of thermal double donors at 470°C in two stages, which have good time correlations with the decrease of substitutional carbon density and also with the formation of two kinds of carbon-related new donors which... (Read more)
- 17. phys. stat. sol. (a) 92, K53 (1985) , “Low Symmetry Centre in Silicon”, A. V. Dvurechenskii, V. V. Suprunchik.Investigation of the defect formation in heavily doped silicon irradiated by high dose of electrons have led to the discovery of new types of defects /1, 2/. The present note is the next one of this series. A new centre is investigated in p-type silicon irradiated by neutrons. (Read more)Si| EPR neutron-irradiation| A5 C1 H8 P3 P6 Sii Vsi interstitial p-type triclinic vacancy .inp files: Si/H8/H8.inp | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 18. Phys. Rev. B 14, 872-883 (1976) , “EPR of a <001> Si interstitial complex in irradiated silicon”, K. L. Brower.This paper deals with an electron-paramagnetic-resonance study of the Si-B3 center, which was first reported by Daly. The Si-B3 center is a secondary defect which forms upon annealing between 50 and 175?C in irradiated boron-doped silicon and is stable up to ?500?C. Our studies indicate that the... (Read more)
- 19. Phys. Rev. B 14, 4506 (1976) , “EPR study of neutron-irradiated silicon: A positive charge state of the <100> split di-interstitial”, Young-Hoon Lee, Nikolai N. Gerasimenko, and James W. CorbettThe Si-P6 spectrum shows an intrinsic tetragonal symmetry with the C2 axis along ?100? and distortion forces the principal axes of the g tensor to be displaced in the {100} plane. The g tensor previously identified by Jung and Newell was found to be due to the motionally averaged state... (Read more)
- 20. Lattice Defects in Semiconductors 23, 1-22 (1975) , Institute of Physics, London , “EPR Studies of the Lattice Vacancy and Low-Temperature Damage Processes in Silocon”, G. D. Watkins.EPR studies of silicon irradiated at 20.4 K and 4.2 K by 1.5 MeV and 46 MeV electrons are described. In 46 MeV irradiations the dominant defects formed appear to be divavancies and other multiple defect aggregates which liberate vacancies throughout the anneal to room temperature as they reorder, recombine, etc. For 1.5 MeV irradiations group III atoms play a vital role in p- and n-type materials in trapping interstitials and stabilizing damage. Carbon and oxygen are not effective interstitial traps at these temperatures. Evidence of limited vacancy migration during irradiation is also cited. Two distinct excited configurations of vacancy-oxygen pairs are identified as precursors to A-centre formation in n-type silicon. The kinetics for their conversion to A-centres depends strongly upon the Fermi level as does the isolated vacancy migration energy whhich is measured to be 0.18 ± 0.02 eV for the V= charge state. The vacancy has four charge states, V+, V0, V- and V=. Kinetics for hole release from V+ reveals an activation barrier of 0.057 eV. The concentration of V+ at 20.4 K in boron-doped material indicates the corresponding donor level even closer to the band edge, approximately EV + 0.039 eV. Jahn-Teller energies for V0, V+, and V- are estimated from stress-alignment studies and confirmed to be large. Kinetics studies for reorientation from one Jahn-Teller distortion to another are also described for each charge state.
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