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- 1. J.Am.Chem.Soc. 130, 48 (2008) , ACS , “Enhanced Ferromagnetism and Tunable Saturation Magnetization of Mn/C Codoped GaN Nanostructures Synthesized by Carbothermal Nitridation”, Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Lin Yu, Ying Dai, Peng Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Jiyong Wei, Jie Zhan, Xiangyang Jing, Haixia Liu, and Myung-Hwan WhangboMn/C-codoped GaN nanostructures were synthesized by carbothermal nitridation with active charcoal as the carbon source. Nanostructures such as zigzag nanowires and nanoscrews were observed by varying the reaction time and the C/Ga molar ratio of the starting material used for the synthesis. The structures and morphologies of the as-grown samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements. The doping of both Mn and C in the GaN matrix was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements, and the ferromagnetic properties of Mn/C-codoped GaN samples were confirmed by room-temperature magnetization measurements. The saturation magnetization of Mn/C-codoped GaN increases steadily with increasing C/Ga molar ratio of the starting material at a rate of ~0.023 emu/g per C/Ga molar ratio, and the ferromagnetism of Mn/C-codoped GaN can be stronger than that of Mn-doped GaN by a factor of ~40. A plausible growth mechanism was proposed, and the role of carbon codoping in tuning the morphology and ferromagnetic property was discussed. Our work suggests that carbon doping in the GaN matrix favors the N sites over the Ga sites, Mn/C-codoping in the GaN matrix is energetically favorable, and the C-codoping strongly enhances the preference of the FM coupling to the AFM coupling between the two doped Mn sites. These suggestions were probed on the basis of first-principles density functional theory electronic structure calculations for a number of model doped structures constructed with a 32-atom 2 × 2 × 2 supercell. (Read more)
- 2. J. Appl. Phys. 101, 023516 (2007) , “Effect of screw dislocation density on optical properties in n-type wurtzite GaN”, Jeong Ho You and H. T. JohnsonThe effect of open-core screw dislocations on photoluminescence in n-doped wurtzite GaN epilayer is studied computationally and compared with experimental data. A k•p Hamiltonian calculation domain is set up to contain a dipole of open-core screw dislocations, and its size... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 75, 193201 (2007) , “Compensating point defects in 4He+-irradiated InN”, F. Tuomisto, A. Pelli, K. M. Yu, W. Walukiewicz, and W. J. SchaffWe use positron annihilation spectroscopy to study 2 MeV 4He+-irradiated InN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and GaN grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition. In GaN, the Ga vacancies act as important compensating centers in the irradiated material, introduced at a... (Read more)
- 4. Phys. Rev. B 75, 115201 (2007) , “Atomistic modeling of the (a+c)-mixed dislocation core in wurtzite GaN”, I. Belabbas, A. Béré, J. Chen, S. Petit, M. Akli Belkhir, P. Ruterana, and G. NouetAn atomistic simulation of the threading (a+c)-mixed dislocation core in wurtzite GaN has been carried out. Starting from models generated in the framework of continuum elasticity theory, two core configurations are obtained independently by using an empirical potential and a... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. B 75, 085301 (2007) , “Electron backscatter diffraction and electron channeling contrast imaging of tilt and dislocations in nitride thin films”, C. Trager-Cowan, F. Sweeney, P. W. Trimby, A. P. Day, A. Gholinia, N.-H. Schmidt, P. J. Parbrook, A. J. Wilkinson, and I. M. WatsonIn this paper we describe the use of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping and electron channeling contrast imaging—in the scanning electron microscope—to study tilt, atomic steps and dislocations in epitaxial GaN thin films. We show results from a series of GaN thin films of... (Read more)
- 6. Phys. Rev. B 75, 085204 (2007) , “Internal structure of the neutral donor-bound exciton complex in cubic zinc-blende and wurtzite semiconductors”, Bernard Gil, Pierre Bigenwald, Mathieu Leroux, Plamen P. Paskov, and Bo MonemarWe calculate the fine structure splitting of the near band edge donor-bound excitons in major cubic semiconductors using an approach inspired by an earlier one that consists in replacing the Morse potential by a Kratzer one, in order to account for the repulsion between the donor and the hole. A... (Read more)
- 7. Phys. Rev. B 75, 075312 (2007) , “Ferromagnetic to ferrimagnetic crossover in Cr-doped GaN nanohole arrays”, Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, and Y. KawazoeUsing spin-polarized density-functional theory with exchange and correlation potential, approximated by both the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and the GGA+U methods, we show that the coupling between a pair of Cr atoms substituted in GaN nanoholes is ferromagnetic. The interaction between... (Read more)
- 8. Phys. Rev. B 75, 075306 (2007) , “Microcrack-induced strain relief in GaN/AlN quantum dots grown on Si(111)”, G. Sarusi, O. Moshe, S. Khatsevich, D. H. Rich, and B. DamilanoThe optical properties of vertically stacked self-assembled GaN/AlN quantum dots (QD's) grown on Si substrates were studied by means of temporally and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL). An analysis of the CL spectra, thermal activation energies, and measured decay times of the QD... (Read more)
- 9. Phys. Rev. B 75, 035322 (2007) , “Ab initio study of electronic and magnetic properties of the C-codoped Ga1−xMnxN (100) surface”, Q. Wang, Q. Sun, and P. JenaFirst principles calculations based on gradient corrected density functional theory have been carried out to study the magnetic coupling between Mn atoms in pure and carbon doped Ga1−xMnxN thin films. We show that the ground state of Mn-doped GaN (100) thin... (Read more)
- 10. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 201911 (2006) , “Generation of misfit dislocations by basal-plane slip in InGaN/GaN heterostructures”, R. Liu, J. Mei, S. Srinivasan, F. A. Ponce, H. Omiya, Y. Narukawa, and T. MukaiThe authors have observed that for InxGa1−xN epitaxial layers grown on bulk GaN substrates exhibit slip on the basal plane, when in the presence of free surfaces that intercept the heterointerface and for indium compositions x0.07. This leads to... (Read more)
- 11. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 182110 (2006) , “Picosecond spin relaxation of acceptor-bound exciton in wurtzite GaN”, H. Otake, T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, T. Ushiyama, A. Tackeuchi, T. Chinone, J.-H. Liang, and M. KajikawaThe spin relaxation process of acceptor-bound excitons in wurtzite GaN is observed by spin-dependent pump and probe reflectance measurement with subpicosecond time resolution. The time evolutions measured at 15–50 K have a single exponential component corresponding to the electron spin... (Read more)
- 12. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 161905 (2006) , “Carrier recombination near threading dislocations in GaN epilayers by low voltage cathodoluminescence”, N. Pauc, M. R. Phillips, V. Aimez, and D. DrouinThe authors present a low voltage cathodoluminescence (CL) study of as grown GaN and GaN:Si epilayers on sapphire. At 1 kV they resolve individual threading dislocations on the sample surface at low temperature (5 K), which appear as correlated dark spots. Analysis of CL intensity profiles across... (Read more)
- 13. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 143505 (2006) , “Probing deep level centers in GaN epilayers with variable-frequency capacitance-voltage characteristics of Au/GaN Schottky contacts”, R. X. Wang, S. J. Xu, S. L. Shi, C. D. Beling, S. Fung, D. G. Zhao, H. Yang, and X. M. TaoUnder identical preparation conditions, Au/GaN Schottky contacts were prepared on two kinds of GaN epilayers with significantly different background electron concentrations and mobility as well as yellow emission intensities. Current-voltage (I-V) and variable-frequency... (Read more)
- 14. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 112106 (2006) , “Effects of edge dislocations and intentional Si doping on the electron mobility of n-type GaN films”, D. G. Zhao, Hui Yang, J. J. Zhu, D. S. Jiang, Z. S. Liu, S. M. Zhang, Y. T. Wang, and J. W. LiangThe effects of dislocations and Si doping on the electrical properties of n-type GaN grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) are investigated. It is found that both electron mobility and carrier concentration are strongly influenced by edge dislocations. A moderate Si doping... (Read more)
- 15. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 092123 (2006) , “Accurate dependence of gallium nitride thermal conductivity on dislocation density”, C. Mion, J. F. Muth, E. A. Preble, and D. HanserThe authors experimentally find that the thermal conductivity of gallium nitride depends critically on dislocation density using the 3-omega technique. For GaN with dislocation densities lower than 106 cm2, the thermal conductivity is independent with dislocation... (Read more)
- 16. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 092107 (2006) , “Photoluminescence studies of impurity transitions in AlGaN alloys”, N. Nepal, M. L. Nakarmi, J. Y. Lin, and H. X. JiangDeep ultraviolet photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy has been employed to investigate impurity transitions in Si doped Al-rich AlGaN alloys. In addition to the previously reported donor compensating centersisolated cation vacancy with three negative charges... (Read more)
- 17. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 031912 (2006) , “Formation of nanovoids in high-dose hydrogen implanted GaN”, I. Radu, R. Singh, R. Scholz, U. Gösele, S. Christiansen, G. Brüderl, C. Eichler, and V. HärleThe formation of nanovoids upon high-dose hydrogen implantation and subsequent annealing in GaN is investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The epitaxial GaN layers on sapphire were implanted at room temperature with H2+ ions at 100 keV with a dose of... (Read more)
- 18. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 182103 (2006) , “Observation of minority-carrier traps in InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well light-emitting diodes during deep-level transient spectroscopy measurements”, J. W. Kim, G. H. Song, J. W. LeeAn unusual appearance of a peak in the deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) data for minority-carrier traps from an InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well (MQW) light-emitting diode, under a bias condition provided by a square pulse of varying height superimposed over the reverse-bias voltage, is newly... (Read more)
- 19. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 161905 (2006) , “Defect characterization of Si-doped GaN films by a scanning near-field optical microscope-induced photoluminescence”, M. Yoshikawa, R. Sugie, M. Murakami, T. Matsunobe, K. Matsuda, and H. IshidaWe developed a tapping-mode-scanning near-field optical microscope to measure near-field photoluminescence (SNOM-PL) with nanometer spatial resolution using an ultraviolet laser, and we measured the defect distribution of a Si-doped GaN film. The obtained result was compared with one measured by... (Read more)
- 20. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 123108 (2006) , “Density functional theory investigation of N interstitial migration in GaN”, R. R. Wixom and A. F. WrightUsing density-functional total energy calculations, we investigated N interstitial migration in GaN. Two migration paths were considered. The first path confines motion to a single c-plane of the lattice, while the second path involves movement both perpendicular and parallel to the... (Read more)
- 21. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 123101 (2006) , “Spatial distribution of deep level defects in crack-free AlGaN grown on GaN with a high-temperature AlN interlayer”, Q. Sun, H. Wang, D. S. Jiang, R. Q. Jin, Y. Huang, S. M. Zhang, H. Yang, U. Jahn, and K. H. PloogThe deep level luminescence of crack-free Al0.25Ga0.75N layers grown on a GaN template with a high-temperature grown AlN interlayer has been studied using spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy. The CL spectra of Al0.25Ga0.75N grown on a... (Read more)
- 22. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 093715 (2006) , “Fermi level pinning in heavily neutron-irradiated GaN”, A. Y. Polyakov, N. B. Smirnov, A. V. Govorkov, A. V. Markov, N. G. Kolin, D. I. Merkurisov, V. M. Boiko, K. D. Shcherbatchev, V. T. Bublik, M. I. Voronova, I-H. Lee, C. R. Lee, S. J. Pearton, A. Dabirian, and A. V. OsinskyUndoped n-GaN grown by two different metallorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) techniques, standard MOCVD and epitaxial lateral overgrowth, and Mg-doped p-GaN prepared by hydride vapor phase epitaxy and molecular beam epitaxy were irradiated with fast reactor neutrons to the high... (Read more)
- 23. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 083515 (2006) , “Stress dependence of the near-band-gap cathodoluminescence spectrum of GaN determined by spatially resolved indentation method”, Alessandro Alan Porporati, Yoshitomo Tanaka, Atsuo Matsutani, Wenliang Zhu, and Giuseppe PezzottiA microscopic procedure has been proposed for evaluating the stress dependence of the (room-temperature) cathodoluminescence (CL) excitonic band emitted from the (0001) crystallographic plane of GaN in a field-emission-gun scanning electron microscope. The room-temperature near-band-gap emission... (Read more)
- 24. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 064910 (2006) , “Defects in Ga(In)NAs thin films grown by atomic H-assisted molecular beam epitaxy”, Yukiko Shimizu, Yusuke Mura, Akira Uedono, and Yoshitaka OkadaThe vacancy-type defects in Ga1yInyNxAs1x dilute nitride films grown by atomic H-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (H-MBE) were investigated. The positron annihilation measurements showed that the densities of... (Read more)
- 25. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 053516 (2006) , “Damage production in GaAs and GaAsN induced by light and heavy ions”, C. Björkas, K. Nordlund, K. Arstila, J. Keinonen, V. D. S. Dhaka, and M. PessaIon irradiation causes damage in semiconductor crystal structures and affects charge carrier dynamics. We have studied the damage production by high-energy (100 keV10 MeV) H, He, Ne, and Ni ions in GaAs and GaAs90N10 using molecular dynamics computer simulations. We... (Read more)
- 26. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 053103 (2006) , “Spatially resolved distribution of dislocations and crystallographic tilts in GaN layers grown on Si(111) substrates by maskless cantilever epitaxy”, R. I. Barabash, C. Roder, G. E. Ice, S. Einfeldt, J. D. Budai, O. M. Barabash, S. Figge, and D. HommelThe spatial distribution of strain, misfit and threading dislocations, and crystallographic orientation in uncoalesced GaN layers grown on Si(111) substrates by maskless cantilever epitaxy was studied by polychromatic x-ray microdiffraction, high resolution monochromatic x-ray diffraction, and... (Read more)
- 27. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 043513 (2006) , “Measurement of temperature-dependent defect diffusion in proton-irradiated GaN(Mg, H)”, R. M. Fleming and S. M. MyersDeuterated p-type GaN(Mg,2H) films were irradiated at room temperature with 1 MeV protons to create native point defects with a concentration approximately equal to the Mg doping (5×1019 cm3). The samples were then annealed isothermally at a... (Read more)
- 28. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 023709 (2006) , “Effect of threading dislocation density on Ni/n-GaN Schottky diode I-V characteristics”, A. R. Arehart, B. Moran, J. S. Speck, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars, and S. A. RingelThe impact of threading dislocation density on Ni/n-GaN Schottky barrier diode characteristics is investigated using forward biased current-voltage-temperature (I-V-T) and internal photoemission (IPE) measurements. Nominally, identical metal-organic chemical vapor... (Read more)
- 29. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 023531 (2006) , “Lattice site location and annealing behavior of implanted Ca and Sr in GaN”, B. De Vries, A. Vantomme, U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, J. P. Araújo, W. Lojkowski, and D. KolesnikovWe report on the lattice location of ion-implanted Ca and Sr in thin films of single-crystalline wurtzite GaN. Using the emission channeling technique the angular distributions of particles emitted by the radioactive isotopes 45Ca (t1/2=163.8 d) and... (Read more)
- 30. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 023509 (2006) , “Cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy of GaN epilayers microstructured using surface charge lithography”, C. Díaz-Guerra, J. Piqueras, O. Volciuc, V. Popa, and I. M. TiginyanuCathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy and spectroscopy have been used to investigate the optical properties of GaN microstructures patterned by Ar+ ion irradiation and subsequent photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching. Monochromatic CL images and CL spectra reveal an enhancement of several... (Read more)
- 31. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 013501 (2006) , “Contactless electromodulation spectroscopy of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas: A comparison of photoreflectance and contactless electroreflectance”, R. Kudrawiec, M. Syperek, M. Motyka, J. Misiewicz, R. Paszkiewicz, B. Paszkiewicz, M. T?acza?aPhotoreflectance (PR) and contactless electroreflectance (CER) spectroscopies have been applied to study optical transitions in undoped and Si-doped AlGaN/GaN heterostructures at room temperature. Spectral features related to excitonic and band-to-band absorptions in GaN layer and band-to-band... (Read more)
- 32. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 114509 (2006) , “Influence of residual oxygen impurity in quaternary InAlGaN multiple-quantum-well active layers on emission efficiency of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes on GaN substrates”, Takashi Kyono, Hideki Hirayama, Katsushi Akita, Takao Nakamura, Masahiro Adachi, and Koshi AndoThe influence of residual impurities in quaternary InAlGaN active layers on the emission efficiency of 350 nm band ultraviolet light-emitting diodes on GaN substrates has been investigated. Secondary ion mass spectrometry and capacitance-voltage measurements have revealed that a large amount of... (Read more)
- 33. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 113506 (2006) , “Theoretical properties of the N vacancy in p-type GaN(Mg,H) at elevated temperatures”, S. M. Myers, A. F. Wright, M. Sanati, and S. K. EstreicherThe elevated-temperature properties of the N vacancy in Mg-doped, p-type GaN containing H were modeled using atomic-configuration energies and phonon densities of states obtained with density-functional theory. This study encompassed both equilibrium thermodynamics and the rates of diffusion... (Read more)
- 34. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 104305 (2006) , “Optical activation of Eu ions in nanoporous GaN films”, A. P. Vajpeyi, S. Tripathy, L. S. Wang, B. C. Foo, S. J. Chua, E. A. Fitzgerald, and E. AlvesA systematic optical activation study of Eu-implanted nanoporous GaN films has been carried out as a function of ion dose and annealing temperature. The nanoporous GaN films are prepared by photoelectrochemical etching of n-type GaN films in HF-based electrolyte. Eu ions are implanted in both... (Read more)
- 35. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 066105 (2006) , “Thermal stability of in-grown vacancy defects in GaN grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy”, F. Tuomisto, K. Saarinen, T. Paskova, B. Monemar, M. Bockowski, and T. SuskiWe have used positron annihilation spectroscopy to study the thermal behavior of different native vacancy defects typical of freestanding GaN grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy under high pressure annealing at different annealing temperatures. The results show that the... (Read more)
- 36. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 126, 222-225 (2006) , “Magnetic properties of a new spintronic material—GaN:Fe”, H. Przybylińska, A. Wolos, M. Kiecana, M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, H. Malissa, C. Simbrunner, M. Wegscheider, H. Sitter, K. Rumpf, P. Granitzer, H. Krenn and W. JantschWe report on metal-organic chemical vapour deposition growth of GaN:Fe and its characterization by means of high-resolution X-ray diffraction, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, electron spin resonance, and magnetization measurements. Electron spin resonance studies demonstrate the existence of Fe in... (Read more)
- 37. Phys. Rev. B 74, 245216 (2006) , “Influence of excited states of a deep substitutional dopant on majority-carrier concentration in semiconductors”, Hideharu MatsuuraThe density (NA) and energy level (EA) of an acceptor in a p-type wide-band-gap semiconductor (e.g., SiC, GaN, and diamond) are determined by a least-squares fit of the charge neutrality equation to the temperature dependence of the hole... (Read more)
- 38. Phys. Rev. B 74, 235205 (2006) , “Optically-detected magnetic resonance of spin-paired complexes emitting in the 2.3 eV spectral region in Mg-doped GaN”, G. N. Aliev, S. Zeng, S. J. Bingham, D. Wolverson, J. J. Davies, T. Wang, and P. J. ParbrookOptically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) experiments on magnesium-doped GaN produced by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy show a group of strong signals with large linewidths (in excess of 0.15 Tesla) obtained when monitoring photoluminescence in the region between 5000 Å and 6200 ... (Read more)
- 39. Phys. Rev. B 74, 195207 (2006) , “Magnetic phases and anisotropy in Gd-doped GaN”, L. Pérez, G. S. Lau, S. Dhar, O. Brandt, and K. H. PloogIn this work we present a detailed study of the magnetic properties of GaN:Gd layers with different Gd content (6×1015 to 1×1019 cm−3) grown by reactive molecular beam epitaxy. The temperature dependence of the magnetic properties suggests the... (Read more)
- 40. Phys. Rev. B 74, 195205 (2006) , “Magnetopolaron effect on shallow donors in GaN”, A. Wysmoek, R. Stpniewski, M. Potemski, B. Chwalisz-Pitka, K. Pakua, J. M. Baranowski, D. C. Look, S. S. Park, and K. Y. LeeResonant interaction between longitudinal-optic (LO) phonons and electrons bound on shallow donors in GaN is studied using magnetoluminescence of neutral-donor bound excitons (D0X). The experiments were performed on high-quality freestanding GaN material and heteroepitaxial... (Read more)
- 41. Phys. Rev. B 74, 165204 (2006) , “Electronic structure of rare-earth impurities in GaAs and GaN”, A. Svane, N. E. Christensen, L. Petit, Z. Szotek, and W. M. TemmermanThe electronic structures of substitutional rare-earth (RE) impurities in GaAs and cubic GaN are calculated. The total energy is evaluated with the self-interaction corrected local spin density approximation, by which several configurations of the open 4f shell of the rare-earth ion are... (Read more)
- 42. Phys. Rev. B 74, 165202 (2006) , “Structural and electronic properties of Fe3+ and Fe2+ centers in GaN from optical and EPR experiments”, E. Malguth, A. Hoffmann, W. Gehlhoff, O. Gelhausen, M. R. Phillips, and X. XuThis work provides a consistent picture of the structural, optical, and electronic properties of Fe-doped GaN. A set of high-quality GaN crystals doped with Fe at concentrations ranging from 5×1017 cm3 to 2×1020 cm3 is... (Read more)
- 43. Phys. Rev. B 74, 165201 (2006) , “Internal 5E ? 5T2 transition of Fe2+ in GaN”, E. Malguth, A. Hoffmann, and X. XuWe present Fourier transform infrared transmission measurements on Fe-doped GaN. A set of freestanding high-quality GaN:Fe samples with varying Fe concentrations shows a rich absorption structure around 390 meV which is unambiguously assigned to the internal... (Read more)
- 44. Phys. Rev. B 74, 155310 (2006) , “Optical study of excitation and deexcitation of Tm in GaN quantum dots”, Thomas Andreev, Nguyen Quang Liem, Yuji Hori, Mitsuhiro Tanaka, Osamu Oda, Daniel Le Si Dang, Bruno Daudin, and Bruno GayralWe report on the optical properties of molecular beam epitaxy grown GaN quantum dots (QDs) doped with Tm. Under optical excitation above the fundamental energy of GaN QDs, the fundamental transition emission from the GaN QD host was not observed while bright emission from Tm3+ manifolds... (Read more)
- 45. Phys. Rev. B 74, 045202 (2006) , “Effects of cation d states on the structural and electronic properties of III-nitride and II-oxide wide-band-gap semiconductors”, Anderson Janotti, David Segev, and Chris G. Van de WalleUsing first-principles methods based on density functional theory within the local density approximation (LDA) we calculate the structural and electronic properties of wurtzite MgO, ZnO, and CdO, and discuss their similarities and dissimilarities with the corresponding Group-III nitrides AlN, GaN,... (Read more)
- 46. Physica B 376-377, 486 (2006) , “Preferential substitution of Fe on physically equivalent Ga sites in GaN”, W. Gehlhoff, D. Azamat, U. Haboeck, A. HoffmannThe EPR spectra of Fe3+ in high-quality thick freestanding hydride vapor phase grown GaN have been studied in the X- and Q-band. A complex resonance pattern with numerous lines of different intensities provided by three different defects is observed for these nearly stress-free iron-doped samples.... (Read more)
- 47. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 221903 (2005) , “Oxygen segregation to dislocations in GaN”, M. E. Hawkridge and D. ChernsThe structure and composition of threading dislocations in GaN grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy have been examined by electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the core structure of screw dislocations varied widely, alternating irregularly between open core... (Read more)
- 48. Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 122102 (2005) , “Current transport property of n-GaN/n-6H–SiC heterojunction: Influence of interface states”, Y. Huang, X. D. Chen, S. Fung, C. D. Beling, C. C. Ling, X. Q. Dai, and M. H. XieHeterostructures of n-GaN/n-6HSiC grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) and molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) are characterized with the currentvoltage (IV), capacitancevoltage (CV), and deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS)... (Read more)
- 49. J. Appl. Phys. 95, 1884-1887 (2004) , “Thermal activation of Mg-doped GaN as monitored by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy”, M. E. Zvanut, D. M. Matlock, R. L. Henry, Daniel Koleske, Alma WickendenThe microscopic process involved with thermal activation of the Mg acceptors in GaN epitaxial films is investigated using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Samples were heat treated in dry N2 for 30 min at temperatures between 200 and 1000 °C. Below 850 °C, the... (Read more)
- 50. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 65, 639-645 (2004) , “Carbothermally-assisted aerosol synthesis of semiconducting materials in the system GaN/Mn”, Jerzy F. Janik , Mariusz Dryga , Cezary Czosnek , Maria Kamiska , Maria Palczewska and Robert T. PaineAerosol-assisted vapor phase synthesis aimed at preparation of magnetic semiconductor nanopowders of Ga1−xMnxN is carried out both from aqueous and methanol solution mixtures of gallium nitrate and manganese (II) nitrate. After an additional pyrolysis at 1000 °C under an ammonia flow,... (Read more)
- 51. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 22, 120-125 (2004) , “Properties of Fe-doped semi-insulating GaN structures”, A. Y. Polyakov, N. B. Smirnov, A. V. Govorkov, S. J. PeartonThe properties of semi-insulating GaN films with the lower part of the film doped with Fe are reported. The 300 K sheet resistivity of the films was 2×1010 /square with an activation energy of the dark conductivity of 0.5 eV. The Fermi level is also pinned at... (Read more)
- 52. Phys. Rev. B 69, 45208 (2004) , “Intrinsic defects in GaN. II. Electronically enhanced migration of interstitial Ga observed by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance”, P. Johannesen, A. Zakrzewski, L. S. Vlasenko, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, Haruo Sunakawa, Masashi MizutaOptical excitation at 1.7 K with 364-nm laser light produces partial annealing recovery of the damage produced in GaN by 2.5-MeV electron irradiation in situ at 4.2 K. Observed is a reduction in the irradiation-produced 0.95-eV photoluminescence (PL) band, recovery in the visible... (Read more)
- 53. Phys. Rev. B 69, 45207 (2004) , “Intrinsic defects in GaN. I. Ga sublattice defects observed by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance”, K. H. Chow, L. S. Vlasenko, P. Johannesen, C. Bozdog, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, Haruo Sunakawa, Chiaki Sasaoka, Masashi MizutaIrradiation of GaN by 2.5-MeV electrons in situ at 4.2 K produces a broad photoluminescence (PL) band centered at 0.95 eV. Optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance (ODEPR) in the band reveals two very similar, but distinct, signals, L5 and L6, which we identify as interstitial... (Read more)
- 54. Phys. Rev. B 69, 115210 (2004) , “Optical and magnetic properties of Mn in bulk GaN”, A. Wolos, M. Palczewska, M. Zajac, J. Gosk, M. Kaminska, A. Twardowski, M. Bockowski, I. Grzegory, S. PorowskiWe report results of electron paramagnetic resonance, magnetization, and optical absorption studies of bulk GaN crystals doped with Mn and, for some samples, codoped with Mg acceptor. The experiments performed show that the charge state of the Mn ion in GaN depends on the Fermi level position in the... (Read more)
- 55. J. Appl. Phys. 93, 9697-9702 (2003) , “Growth and characterization of GaN:Mn epitaxial films”, T. Graf, M. Gjukic, M. Hermann, M. S. Brandt, M. Stutzmann, L. G?rgens, J. B. Philipp, O. AmbacherThe oxidation states of Mn in epitaxial GaN films grown by plasma induced molecular beam epitaxy were investigated by electron spin resonance (ESR), elastic recoil detection, superconducting quantum interference device magnetization, and photothermal deflection spectroscopy measurements. Comparison... (Read more)
- 56. Phys. Rev. B 68, 085202 (2003) , “Physics and chemistry of hydrogen in the vacancies of semiconductors”, Bernadett Szûcs, Adam Gali, Zoltán Hajnal, Peter Deák, and Chris G. Van de WalleHydrogen is well known to cause electrical passivation of lattice vacancies in semiconductors. This effect follows from the chemical passivation of the dangling bonds. Recently it was found that H in the carbon vacancy of SiC forms a three-center bond with two silicon neighbors in the vacancy, and... (Read more)
- 57. Phys. Rev. B 67, 165215 (2003) , “Spin resonance investigations of Mn2+ in wurtzite GaN and AlN films”, T. Graf, M. Gjukic, M. Hermann, M. S. Brandt, M. Stutzmann, O. AmbacherHigh quality Mn-doped GaN and AlN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy have been investigated with X-band electron spin resonance (ESR). The observed resonance patterns are well described by the spin Hamiltonian for isolated 55Mn2+ centers with electronic spin S... (Read more)
- 58. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 137402 (2003) , “Vacancy Defects as Compensating Centers in Mg-Doped GaN”, S. Hautakangas, J. Oila, M. Alatalo, K. Saarinen, L. LIszkay, D. Seghier, H.P. GislasonWe apply positron annihilation spectroscopy to identify VNMgGa complexes as native defects in Mg-doped GaN. These defects dissociate in postgrowth annealings at 500800 °C. We conclude that VNMgGa complexes contribute to... (Read more)
- 59. Mater. Sci. Eng. 93, 39-48 (2002) , “Characterization of nitrides by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR)”, E. R. Glaser, W. E. Carlos, G. C. B. Braga, J. A. Freitas, Jr , W. J. Moore, B. V. Shanabrook, A. E. Wickenden, D. D. Koleske, R. L. Henry, M. W. Bayerl, M. S. Brandt, H. Obloh, P. Kozodoy, S. P. DenBaars, U. K. Mishra, S. Nakamura, E. Haus, J. S. Speck, J. E. Van Nostrand, M. A. Sanchez, E. Calleja, A. J. Ptak, T. H. Myers and R. J. MolnarWe will highlight our recent work on the properties of residual defects and dopants in GaN heteroepitaxial layers and on the nature of recombination from InGaN single quantum well (SQW) light emitting diodes (LEDs) through magnetic resonance techniques. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and... (Read more)
- 60. Phys. Rev. B 65, 85312 (2002) , “Magnetic resonance studies of Mg-doped GaN epitaxial layers grown by organometallic chemical vapor deposition”, E. R. Glaser, W. E. Carlos, G. C. B. Braga, J. A. Freitas Jr, W. J. Moore, B. V. Shanabrook, R.L. Henry, A. E. Wickenden, D. D. Koleske, H.Obloh, P. Kozodoy, S. P. DenBaars, U. K. MishraElectron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) experiments have been performed on a set of GaN epitaxial layers doped with Mg from 2.5?1018 to 5.0?1019 cm-3. The samples were also characterized by secondary-ion-mass... (Read more)
- 61. Phys. Rev. B 65, 205202 (2002) , “Defects observed by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance in electron-irradiated p-type GaN”, L. S. Vlasenko, C. Bozdog, G. D. Watkins, F. Shahedipour, B. W. WesselsIrradiation of p-type (Mg-doped) GaN in situ at 4.2 K by 2.5 MeV electrons reduces the visible luminescence and creates a broad luminescence band in the infrared at ?0.95?eV. Upon annealing at 180 K, partial recovery of the visible luminescence occurs and a well resolved S=1 center is observed by... (Read more)
- 62. Phys. Rev. B 65, 125207 (2002) , “Optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance in low-dislocation-content GaN grown by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy”, C. Bozdog, G. D. Watkins, H. Sunakawa, N. Kuroda, A. UsuiThree broad overlapping photoluminescence bands, centered at ?1.75?eV (red), ?2.2?eV (yellow), and ?2.33?eV (green), are observed in low-dislocation-content GaN grown by the hydride vapor-phase epitaxy method. Optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance (ODEPR) studies reveal that each is... (Read more)
- 63. Mater. Sci. Eng. R 33, 135-207 (2001) , “Comprehensive characterization of hydride VPE grown GaN layers and templates”, H. MorkoçGaN community has recently recognized that it is imperative that the extended, and point defects in GaN and related materials, and the mechanisms for their formation are understood. This is a first and an important step, which must be followed by defect reduction before full implementation of this... (Read more)
- 64. Phys. Rev. B 63, 165204 (2001) , “g values of effective mass donors in AlxGa1-xN alloys”, M. W. Bayerl, M. S. Brandt, T. Graf, O. Ambacher, J. A. Majewski, M. Stutzmann, D. J. As, K. LischkaElectron spin resonance experiments were performed on Si-doped wurtzite and zinc-blende GaN and Si-doped wurtzite AlxGa1-xN alloys with x=0.15, 0.32, 0.52, 0.75, and 1. For zinc-blende GaN, an isotropic g factor of 1.9475 is found. The g tensors of the silicon effective mass... (Read more)
- 65. Physica B 308-310, 66-68 (2001) , “Electron paramagnetic resonance of GaN detected by recombination afterglow”, U. Rogulis, S. Schweizer and J. -M. SpaethX-irradiation at 4.2 K of GaN produces a long lasting recombination afterglow (RL). This afterglow quenches in high magnetic fields, but it can be increased by applying microwave radiation (93 GHz) yielding resonance lines (RL-EPR) for appropriate magnetic fields. For a free standing GaN... (Read more)
- 66. Physica B 308-310, 51-57 (2001) , “Magnetic resonance studies of defects in GaN with reduced dislocation densities”, E. R. Glaser, J. A. Freitas, Jr. , G. C. Braga, W. E. Carlos, M. E. Twigg, A. E. Wickenden, D. D. Koleske, R. L. Henry, M. Leszczynski, I. Grzegory, T. Suski, S. Porowski, S. S. Park, K. Y. Lee and R. J. MolnarMagnetic resonance experiments, including optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), have been performed on Si-doped homoepitaxial GaN layers grown by MOCVD and on high quality, free-standing (200 μm-thick) GaN grown by HVPE. This allowed us to... (Read more)
- 67. Physica B 304, 12 (2001) , “Origin of yellow luminescence in n-GaN induced by high-energy 7 MeV electron irradiation”, Yasuhiko Hayashi, Tetsuo Soga, Masayoshi Umeno, Takashi JimboThe yellow luminescence band in high-energy 7 MeV electron-irradiated n-GaN is investigated as a function of electron irradiation dose. Both the yellow-band intensity and the near-bandedge photoluminescence (PL) intensity decrease continually with increasing electron irradiation dose. The decrease... (Read more)
- 68. Proc. SPIE 4413, 50 (2001) , “Growth, structure, and spectroscopic characterization of the Mn-doped GaN thin films”, Vyacheslav D. Bondar, Igor Kukharsky, Bohdan V. Padlyak, Volodymyr Davydov, Bohdan O. Simkiv, Marek Grinberg, Benedykt KuklinskiThe technologies of fabrication of thin film phosphors based on gallium nitride using rf-magnetron sputtering are developed and properties of films are studied. The dependence of GaN-Mn thin films deposition rate on rf-discharge power, substrate temperature and working gas pressure was estimated.... (Read more)
- 69. Phys. Rev. B 62, 16572 (2000) , “Magneto-optical studies of the 0.88-eV photoluminescence emission in electron-irradiated GaN”, Mt. Waganer, I. A. Buyanova, N. Q. Thinh, W. M. Chen, B. Monemar, J. L. Lindstr?m, H. Amano, I. AkasakiProperties of the 0.88-eV photoluminescence (PL) in electron-irradiated wurtzite GaN have been investigated in detail by a combination of various magneto-optical techniques, including Zeeman measurements of PL, optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), and level anticrossing (LAC). ODMR... (Read more)
- 70. Phys. Rev. B 62, 12923-12926 (2000) , “Electron paramagnetic resonance of Cu(d9) in GaN”, C. Bozdog, K. H. Chow, G. D. Watkins, H. Sunakawa, N. Kuroda, A. UsuiElectron paramagnetic resonance of Cu2+(d9) has been detected optically in the visible and near-infrared luminescence of wurtzite GaN. Its effective S=1/2 spin Hamiltonian parameters are g‖=±0.20(5), g⊥=+1.549(1), and... (Read more)
- 71. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2761 (2000) , “Detection of Interstitial Ga in GaN”, K. H. Chow, G. D. Watkins, Akira Usui, M. MizutaWe report the direct detection of interstitial Ga by optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance (ODEPR) in the photoluminescence of n-type GaN after irradiation in situ at 4.2 K with 2.5 MeV electrons. It is stable upon annealing until room temperature, where it becomes mobile and trapped... (Read more)
- 72. Solid State Commun. 114, 39-42 (2000) , “Electron spin resonance of erbium in gallium nitride”, M. Palczewska, A. Wolos, M. Kaminska, I. Grzegory, M. Bockowski, S. Krukowski, T. Suski and S. PorowskiWe performed electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements on Er-doped single GaN crystals synthesized from the solution of nitrogen in liquid gallium under high pressure of N2. The axial Er3+ spectrum was observed with g||=2.861±0.003, g=7.645±0.003,... (Read more)
- 73. Phys. Rev. B 59, 12479-12486 (1999) , “Optical detection of electron paramagnetic resonance in electron-irradiated GaN”, C. Bozdog, H. Przybylinska, G. D. Watkins, V. H?rle, F. Scholz, M. Mayer, M. Kamp, R. J. Molnar, A. E. Wickenden, D. D. Koleske, R. L. Henry2.5 MeV electron irradiation of wurtzite GaN epitaxially grown on sapphire substrates greatly reduces its near-UV and visible luminescence, producing two bands in the near infrared. In one of these, a broad structureless band centered at ∼0.95 eV, three optically detected S=1/2 electron... (Read more)GaN| ODMR PL electron-irradiation| 69Ga EM L1 L2 L3 L4 n-type semi-insulating .inp files: GaN/L3 GaN/L4 | last update: Takahide Umeda
- 74. Phys. Solid State 41, 783 (1999) , “Transition and rare-earth elements in the SiC and GaN wide-gap semiconductors: recent EPR studies”, P. G. Baranov, I. V. Il'in, E. N. Mokhov, V. A. KhramtsovEPR studies of transition-element ions in SiC and GaN and of erbium in 6H-SiC are reported. Data are presented on Sc2+ ions and scandium acceptors, and chromium and molybdenum ions in various charge states in SiC. A study was made of nickel and manganese in nominally pure GaN grown by the sandwich sublimation method. The first EPR investigation of Er in 6H-SiC is reported. Erbium was identified from the hfs of the EPR spectra. Various possible models of erbium centers in silicon carbides are discussed. Strong room-temperature erbium-ion luminescence was observed. (Read more)
- 75. Phys. Solid State 41, 712 (1999) , “Radiospectroscopy of wide-gap semiconductors: SiC and GaN”, P. G. BaranovThe present report submitted to the Anniversary Conference of the A. F. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, “Physics at the Turn of the 21st Century,” deals with recent EPR studies of main impurities in the wide-gap semiconductors SiC and GaN, which appear to be the most promising materials for microelectronics and quantum semiconductor electronics at the start of the 21st century. (Read more)
- 76. J. Cryst. Growth 189-190, 561 (1998) , “Investigations of undoped and Mg-doped wurtzite GaN with luminescence-detected paramagnetic resonance in the 4 mm band”, F. K. Koschnick, K. Michael, J. -M. Spaeth, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart, J. Off, A. Sohmer and F. ScholzNominally undoped and Mg-doped wurtzite GaN grown with MOVPE on sapphire substrates were investigated with photoluminescence-detected electron paramagnetic resonance (PL-EPR). For enhanced resolution a microwave frequency of 72 GHz (V-band) was used. PL-EPR was measured via the yellow luminescence... (Read more)
- 77. Phys. Solid State 40, 1648 (1998) , “Electron paramagnetic resonance of defects with metastable properties in crystalline GaN”, P. G. Baranov, I. V. Il'in, E. N. Mokhov, V. A. KhramtsovAn EPR study of GaN revealed the presence of defects exhibiting metastable properties. EPR spectra of two centers (ii1a and ii1b) with axial symmetry along the hexagonal axis of the crystal, which have strongly anisotropic g factors, were observed. The anisotropy of the spectra decreases, and the line shape changes, with increasing temperature. The spectra of the ii1a and ii1b centers disappear at 25 and 50 K, respectively. Subsequent cooling of the samples does not restore the EPR signals, which implies that one observes here phenomena inherent in defects with metastable states. To restore EPR signals, one has to warm the samples to room temperature under very specific conditions. The possible microstructure of the discovered defects is discussed. (Read more)
- 78. phys. stat. sol. (b) 210, 389 (1998) , “Spin-Dependent Processes and Mg-Acceptors in GaN Single Quantum Well Diodes and p-Type GaN Films”, M.W.Bayerl , M.S.Brandt , H.Angerer , O.Ambacher , M.StutzmannElectrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) measurements at 34 GHz were performed to obtain more information about the rate limiting transport processes in blue and green InGaN single quantum well light emitting diodes. With respect to g-factor and linewidth, two centers in both diodes... (Read more)
- 79. Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 2019 (1997) , “Paramagnetic resonance in GaN-based single quantum wells”, W. E. Carlos , Shuji NakamuraWe report electrically-detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) and electroluminescence-detected magnetic resonance (ELDMR) results on InGaN/AlGaN single-quantum-well light emitting diodes. The dominant feature detected by either technique is a broad resonance (B13 mT) at g2.01 due to a deep... (Read more)
- 80. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 449, 579 (1997) , “Spin resonance investigations of GaN and AlGaN”, N.MReinacher , H.Angerer , O.Ambacher , M.S.Brandt , M.Stutzmann
- 81. phys. stat. sol. (a) 159, R5 (1997) , “Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance (EDMR) of Defects in GaN Light Emitting Diodes”, M.W.Bayerl , M.S.Brandt , M.StutzmannCompared to standard Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), EDMR has proven to be a more sensitive method in detecting paramagnetic states in semiconductors. Its application to electronic devices is particularly interesting because performance limitations in electrical transport can be correlated with... (Read more)
- 82. Solid State Commun. 101, 611-615 (1997) , “Identification of iron transition group trace impurities in GaN bulk crystals by electron paramagnetic resonance”, P. G. Baranov, I. V. Ilyin and E. N. MokhovWe report on the observation of electron paramagnetic resonance of iron, manganese and nickel trace impurities in bulk GaN crystals grown by the sublimation sandwich method. The resolved hyperfine structure due to interaction with 55Mn (I = 5/2) nuclei has been observed in GaN, allowing unambiguous... (Read more)
- 83. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 395, 657 (1996) , “Spin-dependent transport in GaN Light emitting diodes”, M.S.Brandt , N.M.Reinacher , O.Ambacher , M.Stutzmann
- 84. Physica B 205, 87-90 (1995) , “Magnetism of interacting donors in zinc-blende GaN”, M. FanciulliThe temperature dependence of the paramagnetic susceptibility of donor centers in zinc-blende GaN thin films observed by monitoring the integral intensity of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) absorption has been analyzed using the donor-molecule model. The theoretical predictions are... (Read more)
- 85. Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 2673 (1993) , “Observation of optically detected magnetic resonance in GaN films”, E. R. Glaser, T. A. Kennedy, H. C. Crookham, J. A. Freitas, Jr., M. Asif Khan, D. T. Olson, J. N. KuzniaOptically detected magnetic resonance has been observed from GaN. Two magnetic resonances have been detected on the 2.2 eV-deep photoluminescence band. The first resonance is sharp [full width at half-maximum (FWHM) ~2.2 mT] with g=1.9515±0.0002 and... (Read more)
- 86. J. Appl. Phys. 74, 5901-5903 (1993) , “The nature of donor conduction in n-GaN”, M. Asif Khan, D. T. Olson, J. N. Kuznia, W. E. Carlos, J. A. Freitas, JrSingle crystal GaN thin films resulting from various deposition techniques are usually dominated by residual donors. To date, the true nature of this donor conduction is not known. Nitrogen vacancies, residual oxygen, and growth defects are cited as potential causes for the residual n-type... (Read more)
- 87. Phys. Rev. B 48, 17878-17884 (1993) , “Electron-spin-resonance studies of donors in wurtzite GaN”, W. E. Carlos, J. A. Freitas Jr., M. Asif Khan, D. T. Olson, J. N. KuzniaElectron-spin-resonance (ESR) measurements have been performed on a series of wurtzite GaN films grown on sapphire substrates by low-pressure metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition. The sample set included films grown with both AlN and GaN buffer layers. The ESR signal results from residual donors... (Read more)
- 88. Phys. Rev. B 48, 15144-15147 (1993) , “Conduction-electron spin resonance in zinc-blende GaN thin films”, M. Fanciulli, T.Lei, T.D.MoustakasWe report electron-spin-resonance measurements on zinc-blende GaN. The observed resonance has an isotropic g value of 1.9533±0.0008 independent of temperature, a Lorentzian line shape, and a linewidth (18 G at 10 K) which depends on temperature. The spin-lattice relaxation time at 10 K was... (Read more)
- 89. Physica B 185, 228-233 (1993) , “Study of defects in wide band gap semiconductors by electron paramagnetic resonance”, M. Fanciulli, T. D. MoustakasDefects in diamond, baron nitride and gallium nitride, grown by various deposition methods, were investigated by EPR measurements. In diamond films the observed EPR signal has a g value of 2.0028, peak-to-peak linewidth of 3–5 Gauss and spin-lattice relaxation time, at 293 K, of 10-6 s. In... (Read more)
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