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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 74, 195101 (2006) , “Characterization of the hyperfine interaction in europium-doped yttrium orthosilicate and europium chloride hexahydrate”, J. J. Longdell, A. L. Alexander, and M. J. SellarsWe present characterization of the hyperfine interaction for the europium in hydrated europium chloride and as a dopant in yttrium orthosilicate. The Zeeman and pseudoquadrupole tensors were determined by measuring the hyperfine splittings while rotating the direction of a weak (~300 G) magnetic... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 73, 075201 (2006) , “Electron paramagnetic resonance and theoretical studies of shallow phosphorous centers in 3C-, 4H-, and 6H-SiC”, N. T. Son, A. Henry, J. Isoya, M. Katagiri, T. Umeda, A. Gali, E. Janz?nContinuous-wave (cw) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at both X-band and W-band frequencies, pulsed-EPR, and pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) were used to study phosphorus shallow donors in 3C-, 4H-, and 6H-SiC doped with phosphorus (P) during... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 145501 (2006) , “Identification of the Carbon Antisite-Vacancy Pair in 4H-SiC”, T. Umeda, N. T. Son, J. Isoya, E. Janzn, T. Ohshima, N. Morishita, H. Itoh, A. Gali, M. BockstedteThe metastability of vacancies was theoretically predicted for several compound semiconductors alongside their transformation into the antisite-vacancy pair counterpart; however, no experiment to date has unambiguously confirmed the existence of antisite-vacancy pairs. Using electron paramagnetic resonance and first principles calculations we identify the SI5 center as the carbon antisite-vacancy pair in the negative charge state (CSiVC-) in 4H-SiC. We suggest that this defect is a strong carrier-compensating center in n-type or high-purity semi-insulating SiC. (Read more)SiC| ENDOR EPR Theory electron-irradiation optical-spectroscopy thermal-meas./anneal-exp.| -1 -2 1.0eV~ 13C 29Si C1h C3v Carbon Csi EI5/6 HEI1 HEI5/6 Nitrogen P6/7 SI5 Silicon Vc antisite bistable/metastable dangling-bond n-type pair(=2) semi-insulating vacancy .inp files: SiC/SI5_C1h SiC/SI5_80K SiC/SI5_100K | last update: Takashi Fukushima
- 4. Physica B 376-377, 358-361 (2006) , “Pulsed EPR studies of Phosphorus shallow donors in diamond and SiC”, J. Isoya, M. Katagiri, T. Umeda, S. Koizumi, H. Kanda, N. T. Son, A. Henry, A. Gali, E. Janz?nPhosphorus shallow donors having the symmetry lower than Td are studied by pulsed EPR. In diamond:P and 3C–SiC:P, the symmetry is lowered to D2d and the density of the donor wave function on the phosphorus atom exhibits a predominant p-character. In 4H–SiC:P with the site symmetry of... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. B 72, 235208 (2005) , “Spin multiplicity and charge state of a silicon vacancy (TV2a) in 4H-SiC determined by pulsed ENDOR”, N. Mizuochi, S. Yamasaki, H. Takizawa, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh, T. Umeda, and J. IsoyaIn this paper, we unambiguously re-determine the spin multiplicity of TV2a by pulsed electron nucleus double resonance technique. The TV2a center is one of the most commonly observed defects in 4H-SiC, and its origin was... (Read more)
- 6. Mater. Sci. Forum 457-460, 465 (2004) , “EPR and pulsed ENDOR study of EI6 and related defects in 4H-SiC”, T. Umeda, Y. Ishitsuka, J. Isoya, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, T. Kamiya
- 7. Phys. Rev. B 70, 235212 (2004) , “EPR and theoretical studies of positively charged carbon vacancy in 4H-SiC”, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, T. Kamiya, A. Gali, P. De?k, N. T. Son, E. Janz?nThe carbon vacancy is a dominant defect in 4H-SiC, and the "EI5" electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) spectrum originates from positively charged carbon vacancies (VC+) at quasicubic sites. The observed state for EI5, however, has been attributed to a... (Read more)
- 8. Phys. Rev. B 70, 193207 (2004) , “Hyperfine interaction of the nitrogen donor in 4H-SiC”, N. T. Son, E. Janz?n, J. Isoya, S. YamasakiShallow N donors in n-type 4H-SiC were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). For the N donor at the cubic site (Nk) in 4H-SiC, the hyperfine (hf) constants of the interaction with the nearest-neighbor... (Read more)
- 9. Phys. Rev. B 69, 121201(R) (2004) , “EPR identification of two types of carbon vacancies in 4H-SiC”, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, N. Morishita, T. Ohshima, and T. KamiyaThe EI5 and EI6 centers are typical intrinsic defects in radiation-damaged and semi-insulating 4H-SiC. So far, their origins have been assigned to positively charged carbon vacancies (VC+) and silicon antisites (SiC+), respectively. However,... (Read more)
- 10. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 47602 (2004) , “Overhauser Effect of 67Zn Nuclear Spins in ZnO via Cross Relaxation Induced by the Zero-Point Fluctuations of the Phonon Field”, Hubert Blok, Serguei B. Orlinski, Jan Schmidt, Pavel G. BaranovHole burning in and displacements of the magnetic-resonance absorption line of the electron spin of the shallow hydrogen-related donor in ZnO are observed upon resonant irradiation with microwaves at 275 GHz and at 4.5 K in a magnetic field of 10 T. These effects arise from an almost complete... (Read more)
- 11. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 45504 (2002) , “Hydrogen: A Relevant Shallow Donor in Zinc Oxide”, Detlev M. Hofmann, Albrecht Hofstaetter, Frank Leiter, Huijuan Zhou, Frank Henecker, Bruno K. Meyer, Sergei B. Orlinskii, Jan Schmidt, Pavel G. BaranovElectron paramagnetic resonance and Hall measurements show consistently the presence of two donors ( D1 and D2) in state-of-the-art, nominally undoped ZnO single crystals. Using electron nuclear double resonance it is found that D1 shows hyperfine interaction with more than 50 shells of surrounding... (Read more)
- 12. Phys. Rev. B 64, 085206 (2001) , “Electronic structure of the N donor center in 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC”, A. v. Duijn-Arnold, R. Zondervan, J. Schmidt, P. G. Baranov, E. N. MokhovIn this paper, we present high-frequency (95 GHz) pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements on the nitrogen (N) donor in 4H-SiC (k site) and 6H-SiC (h, k1, and k2 sites according to the accepted classification). From... (Read more)
- 13. Physica B 308-310, 753-756 (2001) , “On the problem of the EL2 structure in semi-insulating GaAs: high-frequency ODEPR/ODENDOR measurements in W-band”, I. Tkach, K. Krambrock and J. -M. SpaethFor almost two decades the structure model of the EL2 defect in semi-insulating (SI) GaAs has been controversially discussed. Neither the isolated AsGa with Td symmetry, nor the AsGa–Asi pair model nor any other AsGa-related defect model could be unambiguously established. The reason was that... (Read more)
- 14. Physica B 302-303, 212-219 (2001) , “Magnetic resonance studies of shallow donor centers in hydrogenated Cz–Si crystals”, B. Langhanki, S. Greulich-Weber, J. ?M. Staeth, V. P. Markevich, L. I. Murin, T. Mchedlidze, M. Suezawa.A complex magnetic resonance study (EPR, electrically detected EPR, ENDOR) of hydrogen-related radiation-induced shallow donors in silicon has been performed. Three species of this donor family (D1–D3) were observed earlier by means of infrared absorption measurements in hydrogenated... (Read more)
- 15. Phys. Rev. B 61, 7448-7458 (2000) , “Hydrogen passivation of the selenium double donor in silicon:?A study by magnetic resonance”, P. T. Huy, C. A. J. Ammerlaan, T. Gregorkiewicz, D. T. Don.The passivation by hydrogen of selenium double donors in silicon has been investigated by magnetic resonance. Hydrogen was introduced by heat treatment at high temperatures in an atmosphere of water vapor. Two spectra were observed, labeled Si-NL60 and Si-NL61 for further reference, both showing... (Read more)
- 16. Phys. Rev. B 57, 1607 (1998) , “Electronic structure of the deep boron acceptor in boron-doped 6H-SiC”, A. v. Duijn-Arnold, T. Ikoma, O. G. Poluektov, P. G. Baranov, E. N. Mokhov, J. SchmidtA high-frequency (95 GHz) and conventional-frequency (9.3 GHz) pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) study is reported on the deep boron acceptor in 6H-SiC. The results support a model in which the deep boron acceptor consists of a boron on a silicon... (Read more)
- 17. phys. stat. sol. (b) 210, 415-427 (1998) , “The Microscopic and Electronic Structure of Shallow Donors in SiC”, S. Greulich-WeberNitrogen donors in 6H-, 4H- and 3C-SiC were investigated using conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and the experimental results are discussed. An attempt is presented to interpret the experimentally found large differences in hyperfine... (Read more)
- 18. Phys. Rev. B 56, 7384 (1997) , “Negatively charged Si vacancy in 4H SiC: A comparison between theory and experiment”, T. Wimbauer, B. K. Meyer, A. Hofstaetter, A. Scharmann, H. OverhofWe use electron paramagnetic resonance and electron nuclear double resonance to identify the negatively charged Si vacancy in neutron-irradiated 4H SiC. The identification is based on resolved ligand hyperfine interactions with carbon and silicon nearest and next nearest neighbors and on the... (Read more)
- 19. phys. stat. sol. (a) 162, 95-151 (1997) , “EPR and ENDOR Investigations of Shallow Impurities in SiC Polytypes”, S. Greulich-WeberInvestigations of nitrogen donors in 6H-, 4H- and 3C-SiC using conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and optical detection of EPR and ENDOR as well as optical absorption and emission spectroscopy are reviewed and critically discussed. An... (Read more)
- 20. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 10, 977 (1995) , “EPR and ENDOR Observation of Orthorhombic Au-Li and Pt-Li Pairs in Silicon: on the Problem of the Observation of Isolated AuSi0 with Magnetic Resonance”, S. Greulich-Weber, P. Alteheld, J. Reinke, H. Weihrich, H. Overhof, J. M. Spaeth.We report the observation of orthorhombic Au-Li and Pt-Li pairs in Si using EPR and ENDOR techniques and also MCDA spectroscopy. The EPR spectra alone could be mistaken as being due to orthorhombic isolated point defects and ENDOR is required to detect the Li partner of the pair. Comparison of the... (Read more)
- 21. Phys. Rev. B 37, 7268 (1988) , “Electron-nuclear double resonance of titanium in silicon: 47Ti and 49Ti ENDOR”, D. A. van Wezep, C. A. J. AmmerlaanThe electron-nuclear double-resonance spectra of interstitial 47Ti+ and 49Ti+ in silicon have been measured at 4.2 K. Spin Hamiltonians for these systems were determined and had to include hyperfine contributions of the type S3I and... (Read more)
- 22. Phys. Rev. B 35, 1582 (1987) , “Electronic and Atomic Structure of the Boron-Vacancy Complex in Silicon”, M. Sprenger, R. van Kemp, E. G. Sieverts, and C. A. J. AmmerlaanIn electron-irradiated boron-doped silicon the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum Si-G10 has been studied. Earlier this spectrum had tentatively been identified with a boron-vacancy complex in a next-nearest-neighbor configuration. With electron-nuclear double resonance the hyperfine and... (Read more)
- 23. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 46, 227 (1985) , “Defect Identification in Silicon Using Electron Nuclear Double Redonance”, C. A. J. Ammerlaan, M. Sprenger, R. van Kemp, D. A. van Wezep.The application of electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) for identification and characterization of point defects in silicon is reviewed. Taking the vacancy and the boron-vacancy complex as examples it is discussed how ENDOR can provide information on the atomic and electronic structure of paramagnetic centers.
- 24. Phys. Rev. B 32, 7129 (1985) , “Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance of Titanium in Silicon: 29Si ENDOR”, D. A. van Wezep, R. van Kemp, E. G. Sieverts, C. A. J. Ammerlaan.The Si-NL29 EPR spectrum, which is associated with the positive charge state of interstitial titanium in silicon, was investigated by electron-nuclear double resonance. Hyperfine-interaction parameters of 17 shells of silicon neighbors, comprised of 214 atoms, could be determined. These parameters... (Read more)
- 25. Phys. Rev. 184, 739 (1969) , “Shallow Donor Electrons in Silicon. I. Hyperfine Interactions from ENDOR Measurements”, Edward B. Hale and Robert Lee MieherThe hyperfine interactions of Si29 lattice nuclei with ground-state donor electrons in arsenic-, phosphorus-, and antimony-doped silicon have been measured by electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). Hyperfine constants are reported for each donor for about 20 shells containing a total... (Read more)
- 26. Phys. Rev. 174, 881 (1968) , “Defects in Irradiated Silicon: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance of the Arsenic- and Antimony-Vacancy Pairs”, Edward L. Elkin and G. D. WatkinsTwo EPR spectra are observed in irradiated silicon (designated Si-G23 and Si-G24) which are identified with the neutral charge states of a lattice vacancy adjacent to a substitutional arsenic or antimony atom, respectively. EPR and ENDOR studies reveal a high degree of similarity between these... (Read more)
- 27. Phys. Rev. 155, 802 (1967) , “Defects in Irradiated Silicon: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance of the Aluminum-Vacancy Pair”, G. D. Watkins.An EPR spectrum produced in aluminum-doped silicon by 1.5-MeV electron irradiation is described. Labeled Si G9, it is identified as arising from an aluminum-vacancy pair, presumably formed when a mobile lattice vacancy is trapped by substitutional aluminum. The resonance is observed only upon... (Read more)
- 28. Phys. Rev. 134, A1359 (1964) , “Defects in Irradiated Silicon: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance of the Si-E Center”, G. D. Watkins, J. W. Corbett.The Si-E center is one of the dominant defects produced by electron irradiation in phosphorus-doped vacuum floating zone silicon. It introduces an acceptor level at ?(Ec-0.4) eV and gives rise to an electron paramagnetic resonance when this level does not contain an electron. As a result... (Read more)
- 29. Phys. Rev. 114, 1219 (1959) , “Electron Spin Resonance Experiments on Donors in Silicon. I. Electronic Structure of Donors by the Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Technique”, G. Feher.The ground-state wave function of the antimony, phosphorus, and arsenic impurities in silicon has been investigated by means of the electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) method. By this method the hyperfine interactions of the donor electron with the Si29 nuclei situated at different... (Read more)
- 30. Phys. Rev. 109, 1172 (1958) , “Hfs Anomaly of Sb121 and Sb123 Determined by the Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Technique”, J. Eisinger, G. Feher.The ratios of the hyperfine interaction constants "a" and the nuclear g factors of the stable isotopes of antimony have been measured. From these measurements the hyperfine structure anomaly, defined as ?=(a121/a123)(g123/g121)-1, was found to be... (Read more)
- 31. Phys. Rev. 107, 1462 (1957) , “Spin and Magnetic Moment of P32 by the Electron Nuclear Double-Resonance Technique”, G. Feher, C. S. Fuller, E. A. Gere.The spin and magnetic moment of 14-day P32 with dtermined by the electron unclear double resonance (ENDOR) technique.The P32 obtained from Oak Ridge was diffused into high-resistivity silicon plates having a total volume of 0.25 cm3. (Read more)
- 32. Solid State Physics 5, 258-319 (1957) , Academic Press, New York (Edited by F. Seitz, D. Turnbull) , “Shallow Impurity States in Silicon and Germanium”, W. KohnI. Introduction (p.258): II. Emprical Properties (p.261): 1. Energy Levels (p.261), a. Ionization Energies, b. Spectra of Excited States, 2. Spin Resonance (p.266), a. Electron Spin Resonance, b. Double Resonance, 3. Static Magnetic Susceptibility (p.271), III. Structure of Donor States (p.271): 4. Conduction Bands of Silicon and Germanium (p.271), a. Silicon, b. Germanium, 5. Effective Mass Theory of Donor States (p.274), a. Single Band Minimum at k=0, b. Several Conduction Band Minima, c. Matrix Elements for Radiative Transitions, 6. Numerical Results and Comparison with Experiments (p.285), a. Energy Levels, b. Wave Functions, 7. Corrections to the Effective Mass Formalism (p.289), a. General Considerations, b. Corrected Wave Functions, c. Comparison with Experiment, IV. Structure of Acceptor States (p.297): 8. Valence Bands of Silicon and Germanium (p.297), a. Silicon, b. Germanium, 9. Effective Mass Equations for Acceptor States (p.300), 10. Approximate Solutions and Comparison with Experiment (p.301) a. Germanium b. Silicon V.Effects of Strains and of Static Electric and Magnetic Fields (p.306): 11. Strains (p.306) a. Donor States, b. Acceptor States, 12. Stark Effect (p.311)
- 33. Phys. Rev. 103, 834 (1956) , “Observation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonances via the Electron Spin Resonance Line”, G. Feher.The double-frequency resonance method reported recently in connection with a unclear polarization schemehas been extended to observe unclear transitions and thereby determine hyperfine interactions and unclear g values. (Read more)
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