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- 1. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 262118 (2006) , “p-type conductivity and donor-acceptor pair emission in Cd1−xFexS dilute magnetic semiconductors”, X. J. Wu, D. Z. Shen, Z. Z. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, K. W. Liu, B. H. Li, Y. M. Lu, D. X. Zhao, and B. YaoCd1−xFexS thin films with different Fe contents were grown on c-plane sapphire by low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition. The resistivity of the thin films was found to increase with the addition of more Fe contents into the... (Read more)
- 2. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 141919 (2006) , “Observation of donor-acceptor pair spectra in the photoluminescence of H- and Zn-implanted ZnO single crystals”, D. C. Reynolds, C. W. Litton, T. C. Collins, J. E. Hoelscher, J. NauseDonor-acceptor (D-A) pair spectra have been observed in the photoluminescence radiative recombination of selected donor bound exciton complexes in zinc oxide (ZnO) single crystals that have been ion implantation doped with H and Zn atoms and subsequently annealed in a nitrogen (N2)... (Read more)
- 3. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 093108 (2006) , “Extremely high quantum efficiency of donor-acceptor-pair emission in N-and-B-doped 6H-SiC”, S. Kamiyama, T. Maeda, Y. Nakamura, M. Iwaya, H. Amano, I. Akasaki, H. Kinoshita, T. Furusho, M. Yoshimoto, T. Kimoto, J. Suda, A. Henry, I. G. Ivanov, J. P. Bergman, B. Monemar, T. Onuma, and S. F. ChichibuHigh-efficiency visible light emission in N-and-B-doped 6H-SiC epilayers was observed in photoluminescence measurements at room temperature. The orange-yellow light emission due to the recombination of donor-acceptor pairs (DAPs) has a broad spectrum with a peak wavelength of 576 nm and a... (Read more)
- 4. Phys. Rev. B 74, 045204 (2006) , “Donor-acceptor pairs in the confined structure of ZnO nanocrystals”, Serguei B. Orlinskii, Hubert Blok, and Jan SchmidtThe electron paramagnetic resonance signal of an exchange-coupled pair consisting of a shallow interstitial Li donor and a deep Na-related acceptor has been identified in ZnO nanocrystals with radii smaller than 1.5 nm. From electron nuclear double resonance experiments it is concluded that the... (Read more)
- 5. Physica B 308-310, 51-57 (2001) , “Magnetic resonance studies of defects in GaN with reduced dislocation densities”, E. R. Glaser, J. A. Freitas, Jr. , G. C. Braga, W. E. Carlos, M. E. Twigg, A. E. Wickenden, D. D. Koleske, R. L. Henry, M. Leszczynski, I. Grzegory, T. Suski, S. Porowski, S. S. Park, K. Y. Lee and R. J. MolnarMagnetic resonance experiments, including optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), have been performed on Si-doped homoepitaxial GaN layers grown by MOCVD and on high quality, free-standing (200 μm-thick) GaN grown by HVPE. This allowed us to... (Read more)
- 6. phys. stat. sol. (a) 162, 95-151 (1997) , “EPR and ENDOR Investigations of Shallow Impurities in SiC Polytypes”, S. Greulich-WeberInvestigations of nitrogen donors in 6H-, 4H- and 3C-SiC using conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and optical detection of EPR and ENDOR as well as optical absorption and emission spectroscopy are reviewed and critically discussed. An... (Read more)
- 7. Solid State Commun. 25, 77-80 (1978) , “Exchange broadened, optically detected ESR spectra for luminescent donor-acceptor pairs in Li doped ZnO”, R. T. Cox, D. Block, A. Hervé, R. Picard and C. SantierR. HelbigApplication of optically detected ESR to the yellow photoluminescence of Li doped ZnO gives ESR spectra for shallow donor - lithium acceptor pairs, showing that at least a fraction of the yellow emission is donor-acceptor (D-A) luminescence. The distribution of separations rDA gives a spectrum of... (Read more)
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