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- 1. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 053511 (2006) , “Density functional theory study of deep traps in silicon nitride memories”, Max Petersen and Yakov RoizinUsing density functional theory, the interaction of hydrogen with a nitrogen vacancy in -Si3N4 is investigated. A single H atom was found to be energetically favorable over non- and doubly protonated vacancies. The traps composed of excess silicon and hydrogen have negative... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 74, 144432 (2006) , “Role of defects in ferromagnetism in Zn1−xCoxO: A hybrid density-functional study”, C. H. PattersonExperimental studies of Zn1−xCoxO as thin films or nanocrystals have found ferromagnetism and Curie temperatures above room temperature and that p- or n-type doping of Zn1−xCoxO can change its magnetic... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. B 73, 033204 (2006) , “Electrical characterization of metastable carbon clusters in SiC: A theoretical study”, A. Gali, N. T. Son, E. JanznFirst-principles calculations carried out in 3C- and 4H-SiC show that small metastable carbon clusters can be created in irradiated SiC. The metastable carbon clusters possess occupation levels in the p-type as well as in the n-type 4H-SiC. Depending on the... (Read more)
- 4. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 062105 (2005) , “Negative-U property of oxygen vacancy in cubic HfO2”, Y. P. Feng, A. T. L. Lim, M. F. LiOxygen vacancy in cubic HfO2 was investigated using first-principles calculation based on density functional theory and generalized gradient approximation. Five different charge states (V++, V+, V0, V, and... (Read more)
- 5. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 225502 (2003) , “Z1/Z2 Defects in 4H–SiC”, T. A. G. Eberlein, R. Jones, P. R. BriddonFirst-principles calculations are carried out on models for the Z1/Z2 defects in 4HSiC which are found in as-grown and irradiated n-type material. We show that an interstitial-nitrogeninterstitial-carbon defect is exceptionally thermally stable,... (Read more)
- 6. Thin Solid Films 395, 266-269 (2001) , “Charge-trapping defects in Cat-CVD silicon nitride films”, T. Umeda, Y. Mochizuki, Y. Miyoshi and Y. NashimotoWe show that Cat-CVD silicon nitride films contain more than 1019 cm−3 nitrogen-bonded Si dangling bonds, similarly to the case for conventional CVD films. However, the charge-trapping behavior of the Cat-CVD films is found to be quite different, in spite of the same origin for the dominant... (Read more)
- 7. Phys. Rev. B 58, R10119 (1998) , “Negative-U centers in 4H silicon carbide”, C. G. Hemmingsson, N. T. Son, A. Ellison, J. Zhang, E. Janz?nCharacterization of two negative-U centers in 4H SiC has been performed using various capacitance transient techniques. Each center gives rise to one acceptor level (-/0) and one donor level (0/+), where the electron ionization energy of the acceptor level is larger than that of the donor level. The... (Read more)
- 8. Phys. Rev. B 39, 10791-10808 (1989) , “Theory of hydrogen diffusion and reactions in crystalline silicon”, Chris G. Van de Walle, P. J. H. Denteneer, Y. Bar-Yam, and S. T. PantelidesThe behavior of hydrogen in crystalline silicon is examined with state-of-the-art theoretical techniques, based on the pseudopotential-density-functional method in a supercell geometry. Stable sites, migration paths, and barriers for different charge states are explored and displayed in total-energy... (Read more)
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