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- 1. Phys. Rev. B 61, 4659-4666 (2000) , “Identification of the Oxygen-Vacancy Defect Containing a Single Hydrogen Atom in Crystalline Silicon”, P. Johannesen, B. Bech Nielsen, J. R. Byberg.Float-zone and Czochralski-grown silicon crystals have been implanted with protons or deuterons at ?50 K. Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements reveal a new signal in the spectrum of the Czochralski-grown (oxygen-rich) material. This signal is strongly temperature dependent, displaying a... (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 58, 3842 (1998) , “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of Hydrogen-Vacancy Defects in Crystalline Silicon”, P. Stallinga, P. Johannesen, S. Herstm, K. Bonde Nielsen, B. Bech Nielsen, J. R. Byberg.Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements on float-zone silicon implanted with protons at ?50 K followed by heating to room temperature have revealed two signals S1a and S1b belonging to the S1 group of signals. S1a and S1b both originate from defects... (Read more)
- 3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1507 (1997) , “Identification of the Silicon Vacancy Containing a Single Hydrogen Atom by EPR”, B. Bech Nielsen, P. Johannesen, P. Stallinga, K. Bonde Nielsen
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Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
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