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- 1. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 075506 (2009) , “Proton Tunneling: A Decay Channel of the O-H Stretch Mode in KTaO3”, E. J. Spahr, L. Wen, M. Stavola, L. A. Boatner, L. C. Feldman, N. H. Tolk, and G. LüpkeThe vibrational lifetimes of the O-H and O-D stretch modes in the perovskite oxide KTaO3 are measured by pump-probe infrared spectroscopy. Both stretch modes are exceptionally long lived and exhibit a large “reverse” isotope effect, due to a phonon-assisted proton-tunneling process, which involves the O-Ta-O bending motion. The excited-state tunneling rate is found to be 7 orders of magnitude larger than from the ground state in the proton conducting oxide, BaCeO3 [Phys. Rev. B 60, R3713 (1999)]. (Read more)
- 2. Phys. Rev. B 74, 054111 (2006) , “EPR investigation of iron-related centers in 57Fe-doped KTaO3”, P. G. Baranov, A. G. Badalyan, D. V. Azamat, V. A. Trepakov, A. P. Bundakova, E. A. Ruzanova, V. S. Vikhnin, H. Hesse, and S. E. KapphanThree dominant iron centers are studied in the as-grown 57Fe-doped single KTaO3 crystals. For each of the centers, which were labeled as rhombic FeTa3+ and two axial Fe-related centers FeK3+-OI and (Fe). The... (Read more)
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Updated at 2010-07-20 16:50:39
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