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search iconEPR-Spectrum Simulation Form :

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SH parameter: SiC/SI5_100K/4si2.inp

Simulation conditions:
Frequency (GHz)
Rotation axis θ (deg) φ (deg)
Start axis θ (deg) φ (deg)
Angle (deg) Type
Sweep width (Gauss)
Linewidth (Gauss) Lineshape
Transition Resolution

Note : Frequency sets microwave frequency, rotation axis specifies the rotation plane for the magnetic field (B) and start axis specifies the direction of B at 0 deg, as illustrated in the above figure.

Click "Run EPR-NMR" then the program simulates an EPR spectrum for the given angle and sweep width. The center field is automatically adjusted by the given frequency.

You can also specify the type of spectrum (derivative or absorption), linewidth, and lineshape (1=Gaussian, 2=Lorentian, values between 1 and 2=middle of two Lineshapes).

Coordinate system
coordinate system

⚠ Our services moved from to in January 2022. The functions of the our services are unchanged. Thank you.