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Notes for Users
How to prepare SH Parameter files.
About This Site...
The "EPR in Semiconductors" is a useful free database for EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) centers in Semiconductors.
Trying this database is always welcome. Anyone can use its powerful tools such as angular-map simulator, EPR-spectrum simulator, and Energy-level simulator.
The objective of this site is to
establish a self-organized database for EPR specialists, EPR users,
and their communities in semiconductor science. This database can
receive your EPR data [Spin-Hamiltonian (SH) parameters] by simply
using the Upload form of this site,
which extends the database to the larger and newer one. The uploaded
data are automatically displayed in the database. Then, everyone can
refer your data from everywhere via the Internet. This will be of
benefit to many researchers in the world as well as you.
Please upload your EPR data to the database.
How to prepare your data file is described in the Help pages. The format of the data file (we call "input file") is basically the same as that of EPR-NMR(c) simulation program. This program was developed by the group of Profs. J. A. Weil and M. J. Mombourquette, and now it is one of the most sophisticated simulation tools for EPR specialists. This site offers you a part of its powerful functions.
Please cite the original reference when you publish the SH parameters recoreded here.
Please cite this database whenever you publish any outputs that have been generated by this site.